The Student Room Group


Basicly, i met this guy on a forum 4months ago and at first we were both shy...etc and he admitted that he liked me but i didnt really say anything back.

Then now 4months have passed, we have had some short convos on msn and some in depth ones. We have so much in common its freaky and i feel i have fallen for him but i cant tell him because of sooo many reasons such as him falling for this other girl.

Now our convos are short and simple on msn and i want it to be like before but i cant stop thinking about him and i know i should jus forget about him because i missed my chance with him and like i said theres loads of reasons that i shouldnt be falling for him.

I havent met him but we do text eachother, but lately he hasnt txted me for a month now but we still have our short convos on msn.

I just dont know what to do, i'm falling for someone when i shouldnt be, how do i stop this? But i still want to talk to him as he makes me smile.

Its just so confusing :frown:
i'm falling for someone when i shouldnt be, how do i stop this?

You're right, you really shouldn't be... for all you know he could be some fat balding paedo from Leicester called Ian.

I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but MSN is just text... you can interpret what this guy writes however you choose to, and the whole "realationship" and all the subsequent dramas are in your head. Try to find a real person that you can have a real relationship with, someone who you can talk to face to face... firstly it would save you spending your life interpreting why your MSN convos were a certain length or what he meant by typing a certain thing, and secondly, it's more fun!
Reply 2
You're right, you really shouldn't be... for all you know he could be some fat balding paedo from Leicester called Ian.

I don't want to sound harsh or anything, but MSN is just text... you can interpret what this guy writes however you choose to, and the whole "realationship" and all the subsequent dramas are in your head. Try to find a real person that you can have a real relationship with, someone who you can talk to face to face... firstly it would save you spending your life interpreting why your MSN convos were a certain length or what he meant by typing a certain thing, and secondly, it's more fun!

i know he aint some paedo because i know a few ppl who has seen and chatted to him face-to-face.
Reply 3
dodgy :smile:
be careful