The Student Room Group

in love, my poor heart is going to get ripped out.

i've been with my boyfriend for 3 months, and hes the best, everyday he just gets nicer and kinder and more gorgeous and more perfect. and i can totally feel myself falling for him, and i know he feels the same(altho hes trying to trick himself that he doesnt). he's gone back home at the moment, and i miss him. he calls me in the mornings to wake me up, we text each other all day then spend agaes on the phone to each other at night and then i phone him before i go to bed. whats the problem i hear you ask? well the thing is, he's going back home for good after hes finished uni (hes in his 3rd year) and i really don't know what to do. he's said a few times 'i go home in a few months, and we wont last longer than that' because we live so far appart. part of me thinks that if were so posed to be together then it will sort its self out, but i know it wont becuase of money and me still being at uni and geography and stuff. its so confusing, on one hand i want to jump and skipp and sing becuase im so happy, but on the other hand i want to cry so much becuase i know we are going to have to split up. i know i'm gonna get so hurt, he says he doesn't want to get hurt and he doesn't want to hurt me but its gone to far. i know that if i still feel this way when he has to go home, im gonna feel like i've had my heart ripped out. grr i've got the worst luck in the whole f***ing world :frown:
staying together would hurt more. End it and then see if you can pick it up again later in life. Being apart and not talking to him will make it easier to move on.
Reply 2
so pose, i'm not going to end it untill i have to tho.
Reply 3
good mermington
staying together would hurt more. End it and then see if you can pick it up again later in life. Being apart and not talking to him will make it easier to move on.

what's the point in ending it?

i'd wait and see, you never know, things could happen anyway - he may decide to stick around etc. enjoy it while it lasts, go with it. :smile:

edit - i don't really know how to put this, but if he's that set on going home at the end of uni is he really for you, as in, if you meant that much to him surely he'd try to stick around?
Reply 4
Indu mitra summed it up in that last post. sounds cheesey love has no boundaries, if your still together in after 3 months You can still visit each other although it'll be less often than before. My bf is studying in belgium for a year, weve managed to save up so we can speak regularly on the phone and have met 3 times..?
Reply 5

edit - i don't really know how to put this, but if he's that set on going home at the end of uni is he really for you, as in, if you meant that much to him surely he'd try to stick around?

yeah i thought that, he just can't afford it, hes got to go home to save up money to do his MA. but i dunno, maybe i'm jumping the gun, maybe i won't feel the same in a few months. i think im just gonna forgot about it, and enjoy it whilst it lasts. thank you for the advise X
Reply 6
i've been with my boyfriend for 3 months, and hes the best, everyday he just gets nicer and kinder and more gorgeous and more perfect. and i can totally feel myself falling for him, and i know he feels the same(altho hes trying to trick himself that he doesnt). he's gone back home at the moment, and i miss him. he calls me in the mornings to wake me up, we text each other all day then spend agaes on the phone to each other at night and then i phone him before i go to bed. whats the problem i hear you ask? well the thing is, he's going back home for good after hes finished uni (hes in his 3rd year) and i really don't know what to do. he's said a few times 'i go home in a few months, and we wont last longer than that' because we live so far appart. part of me thinks that if were so posed to be together then it will sort its self out, but i know it wont becuase of money and me still being at uni and geography and stuff. its so confusing, on one hand i want to jump and skipp and sing becuase im so happy, but on the other hand i want to cry so much becuase i know we are going to have to split up. i know i'm gonna get so hurt, he says he doesn't want to get hurt and he doesn't want to hurt me but its gone to far. i know that if i still feel this way when he has to go home, im gonna feel like i've had my heart ripped out. grr i've got the worst luck in the whole f***ing world :frown:

well it does not really seem that bad! by the way where is he going to go back home to? is it like australia cos then i understand the whole its the worst luck thing but if not then things are looking rosier :p:

in a relationship such as this there is a thing called compromise it is so important and with this if you both love each other as much as you say then you must be able to sort soething out.

i would also like to state that as you said if it is fate then you will be together but maybe it is in your best interests for him to leave so you can both fulfill your dreams. i mean maybe him leaving is the best for you, i know it seems hard to let go maybe you should try to come to terms without it now.

sorry for sounding so pessimistic! :frown: