The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Good night. x.

I'm so romantic.

May flights of angels sing you to thy sleep.
Reply 3
night night sleep tight don;t let the bed bugs bite

not really lol

just say

sweet dreams babe good nightxx thast nice i think lol
Reply 4
Remember, you need to breathe when you sleep, or you still die!
I wish you every joy in your dreams, my sweeterls xx
ps suckmyballs

Reply 6
ps suckmyballs

ha ha that is funny lol
good mermington
I wish you every joy in your dreams, my sweetlings xx
ps suckmyballs


I just had to explain to my irate sister why I felt the need to laugh so loud and wake her up...
Reply 8
Oh to taste her sweet dog eggs
covered in fur
a dancing bee lights up
the heart
s of other bees in the search for nectar
xx luv u nitenite
Reply 9

ps. He jumped in a Taxi “take me to my hotel” “where’s that” “top speed” “what speed” “quickly!” “that’ll e $20” “I don’t have time for this”…(Pause) “here we are at your hotel” “thankyou have a nice day” “thankyou my wife will be very pleased” said the taxi driver, putting it back in his trousers. nightbabes there lolk i thinkol that snice"
Reply 10
good mermington
I wish you every joy in your dreams, my sweeterls xx
ps suckmyballs


my sister, about 12 at the time, used to think that tmb meant 'touch my balls'.
Think of me when you masturbate tonight.
Reply 12
Words however special... could never even start, to tell you all the love I have for you within my heart. xXx


I miss you ... I need you ... More and more .... each day ... I love you ... more than words ... can ever say
Reply 13
"I'm so obsessive that I need to text you every night as a mini electronic tag?"


:rolleyes: And yes, this is abuse of the anonymous system. Please can this stop?

If you can't think of something sweet to say to the girl you love you don't deserve to be with her.

Think why you are with her. What is special about her? Why do you love her? Do that and it should be easy.
Reply 15
"I posted on an internet forum asking for ideas and all I got was this lousy message. Night night xx"
Reply 16
How cheesy... what are you 12?
Reply 17
who cares if its a cliche or something. only so many ways you can be "sweet" and "original" in a textual message limited to 160 characters.

just do the "night night sweetie" or something or save yourself the effort and cash and just speak to her tomorrow instead.
You only send original texts?

Doesn't asking us what to send her defeat the object of that?
Reply 19
You only send original texts?

Doesn't asking us what to send her defeat the object of that?

That's what I thought...

Anyway does it really matter if it's original or not as long as it's sincere?