The Student Room Group

vaginal spots/ itching

little embarassed about this but here goes. I have had for a long time tiny spots which itch on my vagina the area around the clitoris and near on the inside/outside of labia minora. Hope this make sense.

More recently I have notice some of the small spots on my underarms, I wondered if anyone knows/ sharse this problem.

Im very embarassed about it and have a bf he hasnt said anything but its making me paronoid
Reply 1
Hmm...the only thing i can think of is a shaving related you shave down there?
Reply 2
yes, they look almost like razor bumps
Reply 3
have you had unprotected sex recently?
Reply 4
not penetration, i have had him rub against my clit with his penis?
Reply 5
yes, they look almost like razor bumps

If you're saying they are like the ones under your arms it seems likely that they are ingrown hairs or something... I'd suggest not shaving down there for a while. If it's not that then it could be more serious so see a doc.
Reply 6
So do you shave or not?
If so, it's probably that.

Otherwise, it is possible to get random spots down there sometimes, how many is there, and how many are inflamed?

I doubt it's an STD.
Reply 7
I do shave and its more inflamed
Reply 8
But she said the area around her clitoris, not the skin, so that kind of got me thinking whether it is STD
Probably due to shaving. But I'd head to your local GUM clinic just to make sure
Reply 10
i have lots of littel spots/bumps round the inside of my vagina normal/not normal?