The Student Room Group

Life not going great at the mo...

Hi guys, Recently I ve been quite depressed due to some big problems in my life. I ll try and keep it short so here goes....

About 2 months ago i split up with my girlfriend. I found this quite hard at first but im slowly getting over her, but it still gets me down at times due to feeling mostly responsible why it didnt work out etc. On top of this I am struggling a bit with money. Im in my second year at uni and i ve nearly used up all of my student overdraft and i dont have a part time job, I had one, but due to the splitting up with my girlfriend and because it was affecting my uni work i had to leave it, but due to money problems i regret this now... Then comes the biggest problem....

Over the past year my parents have not been getting on. They split up about 2 years ago, but got back togehter (3 months after). I ve just found out today that they re going to divorce.

All of this added together, plus with the pressure of the January exams coming up has left me feeling quite down, although at the minute im doing okish but i dunno if i ll be ok in the coming weeks

Overall im worried about my parents and how its going to affect me and my brother and sister and im a bit worried that im going to struggle to concentrate for my exams....

Im defo going to go to counselling at uni as i thnk this might help me a bit... What do you guys think? Any advice would be great.

Reply 1
you should speck to your parents sit down as a family and discuss what is going to happen because you and your siblings shouldn;t be kept in the dark about what happens next esp if you have been depressed!!

try and put it out of your mind while you concentrate on exams as hard as it sounds plunge into the work and it might make you not think about it that much!
Reply 2
definately get couselling they will, be able to help. In terms of finacial trouble most unis provide a hardship loan, or you might have to consider finding a new job (better after exams though).

I know its hard but try not to think about the divorce too much, im sure thingsd will be ok. Concentrate on the exams. If you dont do welll the university wont be very willing to give you a second chance. Although counselling may be able to contact your department and tell them you have problems so when your exams are marked this is kept in mind.

Hope this helps a little
Reply 3
:flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :hugs:
really sorry to hear about this. wish you the best in the future. i know what you mean about january modules...but hey this time next year, who knows? just hope for the best.. :wink:
Reply 4
"Without the sour, the sweet would never be so sweet" - vannila sky