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Sexual problem(s) - What to do!?

Ok, appologies for being an anonymous user but I feel I couldn't ask this if people knew it was me, please don't flame me for it! :redface:

Basically.. I used to be on the pill and it did make me fat. Infact it made me 'overweight' on the BMI scale and since making the only change in my life- stopping taking it I have lost 2 stone and am now in the healthy BMI category and back to a slim nice healthy shape. I did try changing brands and types, none helped, I think it is just the way my body reacts. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I now have a recent new boyfriend and we have been having sex using condoms, we are always safe, but one broke during sex. I immediatley the next morning went to the doctors, got the morning after pill and relaxed. But I had period, much shorter and lighter and earlier than usual, and I thought that was a sign you may be pregnant? My period would normally be due tomorrow, can I take a pregnancy test now? Would it work this early...? (It happened before x-mas)... anyway on that topic....

We were fooling about on bank holiday monday evening and I know that there was some sperm in the bed, possibly on his hands and definatley on his body and he was touching me... didn't dawn on me until afterwards and I feel worried about that now, is it too early for that to show on a test?

And as if this was not worse!! Just inside (around lips too) of my vagina is very itchy... could this be an STI? We were both not virgins and he did enter me as a part of forplay with no condom (STUPID YES I KNOW) Erghh, but again I know you will tell me how stupid I am but I am asking for help, not to feel any worse (especially with exams coming up!) I had a problem 'getting wet' and I think it may have been something to do with that from the last time we had sex? Can that be thrush?

What should I do about contraception, condoms I can see are only going to cause a problem! I don't want to be fat, I like my weight! What should I do?

Any help and advice would be so gratefully apprieciated, I'm so worried and I don't know what I should be doing! (Except revising!) :frown:

Ok, appologies for being an anonymous user but I feel I couldn't ask this if people knew it was me, please don't flame me for it! :redface:

Basically.. I used to be on the pill and it did make me fat. Infact it made me 'overweight' on the BMI scale and since making the only change in my life- stopping taking it I have lost 2 stone and am now in the healthy BMI category and back to a slim nice healthy shape. I did try changing brands and types, none helped, I think it is just the way my body reacts. :rolleyes:

Anyway, I now have a recent new boyfriend and we have been having sex using condoms, we are always safe, but one broke during sex. I immediatley the next morning went to the doctors, got the morning after pill and relaxed. But I had period, much shorter and lighter and earlier than usual, and I thought that was a sign you may be pregnant? My period would normally be due tomorrow, can I take a pregnancy test now? Would it work this early...? (It happened before x-mas)... anyway on that topic....

We were fooling about on bank holiday monday evening and I know that there was some sperm in the bed, possibly on his hands and definatley on his body and he was touching me... didn't dawn on me until afterwards and I feel worried about that now, is it too early for that to show on a test?

And as if this was not worse!! Just inside (around lips too) of my vagina is very itchy... could this be an STI? We were both not virgins and he did enter me as a part of forplay with no condom (STUPID YES I KNOW) Erghh, but again I know you will tell me how stupid I am but I am asking for help, not to feel any worse (especially with exams coming up!) I had a problem 'getting wet' and I think it may have been something to do with that from the last time we had sex? Can that be thrush?

What should I do about contraception, condoms I can see are only going to cause a problem! I don't want to be fat, I like my weight! What should I do?

Any help and advice would be so gratefully apprieciated, I'm so worried and I don't know what I should be doing! (Except revising!) :frown:


There are some tests that will tell you if you're pregnant up to 4 days before your period starts. Called first response..


As far as contraception, give the ring, the implant, the patch and the shot a try.. might just work for you.
Reply 2
There are some tests that will tell you if you're pregnant up to 4 days before your period starts. Called first response..

I thought that those just 'could' tell you but it's not always the case? I thought that you usually had to wait a week after your period to know for sure? I don't know though, hence why I asked for advice! I'm confused, so stressful! :confused:
Reply 3
Yep, you can get the test now. It's highly unlikely you are pregnant (it's possible to get pregnant from sperm on fingers but almost NEVER happens. Really really unlikely.

The itching could be due to an STI, or it could just be irritation if you're not lubricated enough, or it could be thrush. If it continues, then see a doctor. There are other forms of hormonal contraception apart from the pill, you could try one of them? But for now you're going to have to stick with the condoms.
Reply 4
er..first of all find out whether you're pregnant or not, and THEN worry about which contraception method to use. If you think the pills making you fat, then use condoms instead....yes they can break...but its unlikely that it will happen again. or just seek a gynecologist...
Reply 5
As far as contraception, give the ring, the implant, the patch and the shot a try.. might just work for you.

But these are hormones too, and they are so likely to just make me overwight again! I know this is pathetic, but I do care about my weight, and I like it how it is now and I don't want to get any bigger! My boyfriend is slim too (same size) would just be horrid if I was 2 stone more! No, eeeek it's perfect at the moment, just right and I don't want anything to change except the whole pregnancy situation! :wink:
Reply 6
Go to the GP, get tested for thrush and pregnancy. Think about having an implant or injection contraceptive. Its all ok, don't panic but DO go to the doctor rather tthan get yourself into a state and waste revision time!
Reply 7
Yep, you can get the test now. It's highly unlikely you are pregnant (it's possible to get pregnant from sperm on fingers but almost NEVER happens. Really really unlikely.

The itching could be due to an STI, or it could just be irritation if you're not lubricated enough, or it could be thrush. If it continues, then see a doctor. There are other forms of hormonal contraception apart from the pill, you could try one of them? But for now you're going to have to stick with the condoms.

Even though his penis did enter me during foreplay unprotected? Hmm.. that worried me a lot! I will go get a test today if you think it will work! :rolleyes:

I don't know really what to, I don't suppose self-test STI kits exist *bugger* so I will have to go to a clinic? I hear you don't need an appointment. Would it be a bad idea to wait until after exams to get checked out for STI's, or should I go ASAP?
But these are hormones too, and they are so likely to just make me overwight again! I know this is pathetic, but I do care about my weight, and I like it how it is now and I don't want to get any bigger! My boyfriend is slim too (same size) would just be horrid if I was 2 stone more! No, eeeek it's perfect at the moment, just right and I don't want anything to change except the whole pregnancy situation! :wink:

Then unless either of you get sterilised or keep with condoms there isn't much you can do. Most contraceptives are hormonal.
Reply 9
What about the copper IUD? Anybody know anything about those? I didn't think people had them (usually only if you've already had a baby?) I seem to remember the doctor saying something like that? (Was over a year ago now I asked about those)
Reply 10
Even though his penis did enter me during foreplay unprotected? Hmm.. that worried me a lot! I will go get a test today if you think it will work! :rolleyes:

I don't know really what to, I don't suppose self-test STI kits exist *bugger* so I will have to go to a clinic? I hear you don't need an appointment. Would it be a bad idea to wait until after exams to get checked out for STI's, or should I go ASAP?

As I said, really really really really unlikely. You CAN get pregnant if sperm leak beforehand, but you'd have to be really unlucky. If your period is due today/tomorrow then the test should be accurate. If you're still worried, take another one in a week to confirm it.

You can actually get chlamydia testing kits from some Boots shops I think, but that's only on a trial run. You'll need to find out how your local clinic works, as some are drop-in but others you need to have an appointment. If it's really stressing you out, then I'd advise sooner rather than later - you won't be working at your best if you're this worried.

I really think though, that you're probably not pregnant and you've just got thrush or some vaginal irritation from not being lubricated enough.

Oh, and you may react differently to the injection or implant than you do to the pill, so don't dismiss it immediately just because "it's hormones!" - they're different analogues and different methods of release. Plus a lot of the problem with gaining weight on the pill is due to increased appetite, so if you're aware of that and control that, you'll do better.
Reply 11
Thanks, the only problem with those things are that once you have them you just can't stop, the inplant is for 3 years isn't it? I would worry. I'm weak willed also, which means the whole 'stop over-eating uneccisarily' doesnt work! I'm terrible, going to get a test tonight I think. Eeek.
The pill is a different hormone (oestrogen) than the injection and implant. The hormones used in the injection and implant mimic progesterone instead. Maybe they could work for you? It's worth the peace of mind - I've been using the injection for 1.5 years with no weight gain. You can always choose to not get the next one after 3 months if there are any effects you dislike eg. changes in period. :smile:
Reply 13
Thanks, the only problem with those things are that once you have them you just can't stop, the inplant is for 3 years isn't it? I would worry. I'm weak willed also, which means the whole 'stop over-eating uneccisarily' doesnt work! I'm terrible, going to get a test tonight I think. Eeek.

The implant lasts for three years, but you can have it removed if it's really not agreeing with you. I think that generally doctors don't like fitting coils to young girls, and prefer using them as a method of contraception after women have had children.

I really would try either injection or implant (or patch/nuvaring?) - otherwise you'll be getting this worried every time you get a tiny bit of sperm near you, and that won't be fun for you or your bf. You could try making a food diary to track what you eat so you know how well you're doing or not.
Reply 14
The injection apparantly makes you gain weight also. Not sure about the patch. The best thing to do is do a pregnancy test, then go get an STI test, then go see your GP and talk about the different types of contraception that may be suitable for you. And in future - wait untill he's put a condom on before you start playing with eachother!:biggrin:
Reply 15
I've discussed this with my doctor at least 4 different times, she always says.. 'go away and have a think' but I know it's a choice between hormones and wait gain or condoms and pregnancy scares! If I feel overweight and unattractive I'm not going to want to have sex anyway! That is such a horrid thing to say, but believe me that is how it makes me feel! Oh dear! I wish I could just turn my ovaries off! I just wish there was an easier way!
hormones can't make you gain two stone! Have you tried yasmin as that is proven to prevent any weight gain?
I've lost weight since I went on the injection, and I love food! (I'm 46kg, 5ft with a BMI of 20).
Not all hormones are the same, you may find taking contraception with only one hormone might be better for you.
Alternatively, have you tried a lower dose of pill than you were on before?
Reply 18
hormones can't make you gain two stone! Have you tried yasmin as that is proven to prevent any weight gain?

Trust me, it did. If I didn't think the same would happen I would go back on it no questions asked. The weight gain is the most off putting and I don't want to go through that when I'm happy with my appearance now!

Please tell me more about yasmin, what is it!? TELL ME MORE!!!! :biggrin:
Reply 19
hormones can't make you gain two stone! Have you tried yasmin as that is proven to prevent any weight gain?

Trust me, it did. If I didn't think the same would happen I would go back on it no questions asked. The weight gain is the most off putting and I don't want to go through that when I'm happy with my appearance now!

Please tell me more about yasmin, what is it!? TELL ME MORE!!!! SOUNDS AMAZING!!! :biggrin: