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Fell in love with a cheat - help!

About two years ago I met a charming guy(now 25) came up to me(23) in a bar and managed to get my number. We we're both final year students. He told me that he thought I had super model looks and was exactly his type. He wasn't my type so we agreed to be friends. Gradually we grew into more than friends after spending long evenings and many meals chatting. We were never an official couple but people knew of us and I was exclusive to him. He always sent me racey texts and I assumed he was only into me.

I finally asked for comittment in our relationship and he agreed that we would become an item. It would have been a long distance relationship(Liverpool to London.) The very next day however he told me that he was no longer sexually attracted to me and did not want me. He covered his eyes with his hands when i made a move and could not kiss me. Naturally I was upset. A few days later I saw him in a club kissing another woman. He knew I was there but he did see me being chatted up by someone else.I was upset that he could get over me that quickly.

Around the same time a friend of his told me that my on/off man went to Italy with a a friend of mine (who is 32) and he had another 'semi' relationship for around 5 months. I confronted him and he said that it was none of my business as we never had a relationship. He wants to stilll be friends with me and tells me I'm crazy for feeling wronged. Am I?

If he doesn't want me (he hasn't made contact in 6 months) then why did he come banging my door down at 5 am the night before he left Liverpool and miscall me about 15 times? I was not in to hear this but my housemate told me and later saw the miscalls.

Thing is I've fallen for him even though I haven't seen him in ages and have heard that he is already going out with someone else. My job is really female orientated with long hours so is difficult to go look for other men.

Can anyone throw some light on this situation? Did I just fall prey to his small talk?

Reply 1
Yeah, you did fall prey. We've all done it. I recommend you go out, dance your little booty off with your best girl mates and enjoy being single and young. Ignore the men, you need one who wants you and would do anything to be with you and treats you with respect. Go shake your booty!!!
This guy is a the male version of a dicktease (not sure what you call a male dicktease) You have to get over him, he's is not worth your time or energy he is going round the country picking up girls and cutting them down and he is clearly enjoying it. Forget all about him.
Reply 3
dignosis: asshole
I know its hard but you'll get over it. the girl is right...enjoy being single and hot.
Reply 4
Personally, I'm really impressed that not only did you pick up on his behaviour and remove yourself from him, but you also seem to be dealing with it in a down-to-earth way. Unfortunately it seems that you're much better off without him.