The Student Room Group

What does he mean?!?

I recently told the guy I like that I like him and his response was something along the lines of lets be friends for now. Does this mean that he wants to just be friends and that nothing is ever going to happen between us or does he mean that he needs time to work out what he wants? Advice from guys and girls alike welcome
Reply 1
Sounds like he likes you but doesn't fancy you.

Obviously, we don't have details and circumstances so we can't really make a very balanced judgement.
He likes you as a friend, nothing more. Makes a change from girls saying it, I guess. Sucks doesn't it? :smile:
Reply 3
You essentially have been shot down... I suggest you stay friends with him, at least he knows now and perhaps in a few months time he may grow to share the same feelings as you. Don't think about it too much.

See, I can be nice and give good advice... hmmm cookies!
Reply 4
cheers guys, thats what I thought, just got clarification!