I had a really bad experience with my TB injection 6 years ago and ever since I'm petrified of needles, in the arm. It's developed into a pretty major phobia for me.
The problem is, I need to have 3 Hep B jabs and a blood test at the end, which will be needed for a course I'm starting. I need to get them done as soon as poss. I havn't had an injection in the arm since the TB, and never had a blood test. I hate thinking of a needle being pushed into my muscle, injection fluid in. Ahhh.
I keep thinking about the injection, every day and wishing I could just get over it. I know a lot of people don't understand how you can be so terrified of injections, and they're fine. Believe me I wish I was one of them!
The best thing to get over the phobia is obviously to experience an injection, but I can't bring myself to do it!
Anyone else feel similar? Any advice? Thanks!