The Student Room Group

Major needle phobia

I had a really bad experience with my TB injection 6 years ago and ever since I'm petrified of needles, in the arm. It's developed into a pretty major phobia for me.
The problem is, I need to have 3 Hep B jabs and a blood test at the end, which will be needed for a course I'm starting. I need to get them done as soon as poss. I havn't had an injection in the arm since the TB, and never had a blood test. I hate thinking of a needle being pushed into my muscle, injection fluid in. Ahhh.
I keep thinking about the injection, every day and wishing I could just get over it. I know a lot of people don't understand how you can be so terrified of injections, and they're fine. Believe me I wish I was one of them!
The best thing to get over the phobia is obviously to experience an injection, but I can't bring myself to do it!

Anyone else feel similar? Any advice? Thanks!

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I had a really bad experience with my TB injection 6 years ago and ever since I'm petrified of needles, in the arm. It's developed into a pretty major phobia for me.
The problem is, I need to have 3 Hep B jabs and a blood test at the end, which will be needed for a course I'm starting. I need to get them done as soon as poss. I havn't had an injection in the arm since the TB, and never had a blood test. I hate thinking of a needle being pushed into my muscle, injection fluid in. Ahhh.
I keep thinking about the injection, every day and wishing I could just get over it. I know a lot of people don't understand how you can be so terrified of injections, and they're fine. Believe me I wish I was one of them!
The best thing to get over the phobia is obviously to experience an injection, but I can't bring myself to do it!

Anyone else feel similar? Any advice? Thanks!

And this Major Phobia - Which regiment is he in?
I can't have injections,I can't even watch injections on the TV.I couldn't even bring myself to have my TB jab.When I go overseas I never have my injections and I'm supposed to have a flu one every year but don't.

Ugh,I feel ill talking/thinking about it.
Reply 3
Oh honey, I really feel for you. I've had a LOT of surgery in the past and that's left me with a real complex about needles in a medical situation - although weirdly I quite enjoyed being tattooed. However, a while back I had a jab and I asked them to do it in the top of my leg rather than my arm. For some reason I found this a lot less traumatic and didn't do my usual impressively adult trick of bursting into frenzied hysterics and trying to climb the walls. Plus, I found that I really didn't find it painful in my thigh whereas I tend to in my arms.

If you check with your doctor they should have no problem doing it there rather than high on your arm. Also, take a parent/friend/small animal along to squeeze whilst you close your eyes and quietly whimper. Worked for me, and I'm a card-carrying wimp!
Reply 4
Hey I am well terrified of injections. It started when I was little always cried and anxiety. I can't even think of them many ppl have been rough and horrible to me when giving them. For the last 3yrs a nurse said you have to have the Tb inj and thats final. I know I should have it because generations have had TB. The most horrible thing is the blood test and I cringe when I have to take my nan or someone because I'm scared if they call my name. I feel exactly the same way as you. I want to do loads of things like join the army but the injection phobia is holding me back most of my family have joined but they've had to have blood tests. The funny thing is my mum is a nurse and she sometimes brings home horrible little caps to put on drips which I absolutely hate.
You're not alone
Mogsy -x-


I really want a tattoo though. Don't let the phobia of injections hold you back
Reply 5
I have a really bad phobia of needles... I needed to have some fillings and I had to be sedated... even then it didn't work. I've been having councelling and stuff to try and get rid of it. I have since managed to be put to sleep with an injection to have some teeth taken out (unfortunately I left it too long and they could no longer just be filled!) Anyway, if you want any tips on how to deal with it or anything, feel free to PM me. :smile:
Reply 6
I had a really bad experience with my TB injection 6 years ago and ever since I'm petrified of needles, in the arm. It's developed into a pretty major phobia for me.
The problem is, I need to have 3 Hep B jabs and a blood test at the end, which will be needed for a course I'm starting. I need to get them done as soon as poss. I havn't had an injection in the arm since the TB, and never had a blood test. I hate thinking of a needle being pushed into my muscle, injection fluid in. Ahhh.
I keep thinking about the injection, every day and wishing I could just get over it. I know a lot of people don't understand how you can be so terrified of injections, and they're fine. Believe me I wish I was one of them!
The best thing to get over the phobia is obviously to experience an injection, but I can't bring myself to do it!

Anyone else feel similar? Any advice? Thanks!

I have this phobia... it is awful! I think mine started when i had an injection as a young child.. the nurse (beastly man typed woman) walked past and jabbed it into my arm when i wasnt ready.. it hurt soo much and i hated her and had many nightmares... never got over it and have been terrified ever since!! so far, being immune to TB was the best day of my life! I would like to hear peoples experiences with different possible solutions.... i would even consider hypnosis! anything! help us!!!!!!!!!
I had a blood test and a flu jab a few weeks ago. The flu jab really doesn't hurt, I assure you. However, the TB one really does hurt, so I can see why it may have started a phobia! I also had another blood test this morning. What I would recommend is that if anyone on here needs a blood test they try going to the hospital because apparently they are better there. As regards to the Hep B, just be brave and remember that you're doing it for a reason. As long as they can find the vein for your blood test it will be ok (the nurse couldn't find mine). Just don't look at the needle before they do it and let the person doing it know how you feel. My friend was really scared when we had our TB jabs and she's had her belly button pierced!
Reply 8
Just look at it for what it is. The needle isnt harmful in any way, its going in there so you'll be protected against potentially life threatening disease/viruses. The needle is on YOUR side. It WANTS TO HELP YOU. (Just make sure you watch the doc/nurse flicks the needle and squirts the air out...otherwise, you'll have seconds to live!!)
My parents have always told me to face my fears head on.

Basing your problem on this, may I suggest you practice injecting yourself at home. Preferably with heroin.
Reply 10
Tim Kabel
Just look at it for what it is. The needle isnt harmful in any way, its going in there so you'll be protected against potentially life threatening disease/viruses. The needle is on YOUR side. It WANTS TO HELP YOU. (Just make sure you watch the doc/nurse flicks the needle and squirts the air out...otherwise, you'll have seconds to live!!)

you obviously do not understand :frown:
Reply 11
you obviously do not understand :frown:

I agree... I know that with me, when faced with a needle all logic goes completely out of the window... and I'm usually a very, very logical person.
Reply 12
i was doing this work experience in a hospital and this elderly chinese man was going in for an operation to remove the cataract (in his eye), he was awake during the operation (so it was just local anaesthetic) so he had to get an injection basically into his eye to numb it. this was a massive needle and he was about 60!
The doctors said that if he couldnt stay still then he would have to wait to reorganise the operation (and knowing nhs, this was no option, because the cataract causes blurred vision, which would be REALLY annoying as glasses won't fix them =D ) it was amazing his swalled his fears and eventually did it.
moral! if it is really important to you (the course) just try thinking about that, you have to do it tbh, face your fears and you will feel well accomplished afterwards (temporarily)...if an old man with a needle phobia (im not too clued up on phobia of needles btw) can grip it im sure you can! I had my second about 3 weeks ago and i didnt feel a thing, its like going to the dentist when you are a kid (at least in my experience) and trying to repeatedly blurt out the words 'have you done it yet?!' when he is injecting a needle into your gum with his fist basically in your mouth..and then its over and you didnt even know..[its just watching it that least for hepatitis :biggrin:]
..if you ask the nurse and tell her you have a phobia of needles, they will usually try to work it into the conversation, they'll prick you, you'll raise your fist to punch them, and the pain usually instantly goes away/none at all and you don't hate them as much :biggrin: hope thats helped/inspired
Reply 13
Thanks a lot for the replies. I'm worried because i keep thinking back to the TB injection and expecting Hep B to be the same. I know there's this cream available to buy called EMLA which you put on about 1 hr before the injection, it numbs the prick but unfortunately not the dull ache of the fluid going in. (which is what i read). If I got that I think it'd help though.

Do you feel the fluid going into your arm when having an injection? Does it hurt a lot? When having a blood test- does it hurt continuously, when the blood is drawn out, or only being pricked and then taking out the needle?

They're quite detailed Qs but I guess I want to know the facts! :frown:
Reply 14
i had a blood test the other week and after that i felt so faint and i really do not like them, at all. injections im usually ok with.
Reply 15
hepatitis is a perfect injection, feeling wise..unless you have a reaction..but thats nothing to do with needles :biggrin: no fluidness going in/pain etc

Blood tests..honestly from my experience werent so good, but i was a kid, 'stoooooooopid' nurse was moving the needle about in my skin and so it hurt a tiny more than a soft pinch. Thats about it...good luck
Reply 16
I had a really bad experience with my TB injection 6 years ago and ever since I'm petrified of needles, in the arm. It's developed into a pretty major phobia for me.
The problem is, I need to have 3 Hep B jabs and a blood test at the end, which will be needed for a course I'm starting. I need to get them done as soon as poss. I havn't had an injection in the arm since the TB, and never had a blood test. I hate thinking of a needle being pushed into my muscle, injection fluid in. Ahhh.
I keep thinking about the injection, every day and wishing I could just get over it. I know a lot of people don't understand how you can be so terrified of injections, and they're fine. Believe me I wish I was one of them!
The best thing to get over the phobia is obviously to experience an injection, but I can't bring myself to do it!

Anyone else feel similar? Any advice? Thanks!

i have a major phobia of blood tests because of a bad exeperience i have since had a blood test. it was hard to get the courage to go but i got there. i ended up crying my eyes out but the nurse was patient. once i got round to have it done it didnt hurt. i used a cream before hand off the chemist it is called elmla or somethin it numbs the area that the needle will go into it works really well. i also sucked a lolly pop and read a book while having it done it took my mind off it. duno if this helps i have probably mumbled a bit. good luck


u cant feel the fluid go round much ur arm goes a bit cold but thats about it. blood tests r a small scratch u cant feel the blood go out or nethin
Reply 17
Thanks a lot for the replies. I'm worried because i keep thinking back to the TB injection and expecting Hep B to be the same. I know there's this cream available to buy called EMLA which you put on about 1 hr before the injection, it numbs the prick but unfortunately not the dull ache of the fluid going in. (which is what i read). If I got that I think it'd help though.

Do you feel the fluid going into your arm when having an injection? Does it hurt a lot? When having a blood test- does it hurt continuously, when the blood is drawn out, or only being pricked and then taking out the needle?

They're quite detailed Qs but I guess I want to know the facts! :frown:

I had my Hep B injections last year.
Needles scare me too, maybe not as much as you, but i really dont like them. with the Hep B, I was surprised at how quickly it was over. You couldnt feel the fluid going in, and all i felt was a scratch. It definately wasnt bad as i went back 2 more times for it, and it was the same thing.

I remember the TB injection as being more painful too. But this is nothing like it.

To be honest, the pain isnt bad at all, for the hep B and blood test, i think its more psychological, because we expect it to hurt...kinda thing.

Just don't look at the needle, and talk to someone about something relaxing, get them to ask you questions that make you think, to get your attention off the needle.
No matter how much we tell you about how it isnt bad, i think the best thing is to just go ahead and get an injection done. You wont believe us otherwsie. :wink:

What course are you going into btw?
Reply 18
It's hard to give advice when you don't actually suffer from the phobia. So, I'm sorry if I sound patronising.
It must be awful for you but, would you rather have the little prick in your arm for 20 seconds, or be ill from not been immuninised (sp) ? Or potentially not be able to do the course because you refuse to have the Hep tests? Just take a deep breath, screw up your eyes real's over. Just like that.
Reply 19
I'm going to start a nursing course, so need it because of blood coming in contact etc. I'm still scared but a little reassured. I know I've got to get it done, no way out. I will opt for that EMLA cream though!