The Student Room Group
is it just me that is really scared about bird flu changing into a human form?
it just seems to me that no one is really blinking in the face that possibly 1/4 people in UK will die :eek:
i do over-worry but does anyone share my concerns :tongue:??

Not really worrying, infact it would make quite the year if it did happen!

Certainly put a new twist on things.

I doubt it will happen, if your that worried then watch 28 days later.

Give you a few ideas.
Reply 2
If it happens it happens, worrying isn't going to stop it.
Reply 3
Not really...
Reply 4
if you spend your whole life worrying about things like that, you will never lead a proper life... get over it.. if you die, you die.

you can always come back and haunt people :biggrin:
Reply 5
if you spend your whole life worrying about things like that, you will never lead a proper life... get over it.. if you die, you die.

you can always come back and haunt people :biggrin:
i didnt mean that i was some nervous wreck because of it. although i guess you're right worrying won;t help. its just seems weird that nobody really sees the potential for what this could do.although SARS was a bit overblown i guess :tongue:
Reply 6
I take Dr Cox's advice from Scrubs, that its 'flu that you could really only catch if you actually fornicated with the animal it's named for'. The man talks sense.

I think these things get blown out of proportion. I've got a mate from Toronto who plays down the effect SARS had on the region, and is similarly not fussed by bird flu. Then again, if we all die in a major bird flu pandemic, I'll be proved wrong.
Reply 7
I worry about things from time to time, like whether my house is safe and the maximum has been done to prevent a fire, or in the case of one, to be as swift as possible in escaping- it does no harm to worry a little- if we didn't worry, then the world be a worse of place than it is now, however , don't worry too much! If it comes, it comes, like someone said, there's not a lot we can do about it, and I'm a great believer in, "drink today, for tomorrow we die!", no one knows what's going to be round the corner, just take things as they come and meanwhile, try not to worry about it- I'm sure you have more worth while things to turn your mind to. :wink:
Reply 8
My sister does, but she worries about everything, she is a pyrophobic (sp?) too and takes all the plugs out of the sockets before she sleeps.
Reply 9
To be honest it will only kill vunerable people and there are far too many old people as it is.

{EDIT} No offence :wink:
Reply 10
I'm not worried... it's not as likely as the media makes it out to be, and anyway, worrying isn't going to achieve anything.
Reply 11
We live in a world of fear......You've got more chance of being run over by a plane (yes a plane) then dieing from Bird Flu at the moment
Reply 12
serious positive vibes in here!
yea im sure its not too much to worry about,and i guess elipsis is right it will affect weak people the most.
Reply 13
That is if it even does start to affect humans and spread etc which I doubt it will. :smile:
Reply 14
I'm not that worried. It's unlikely it will become a pandemic any time soon, and they're working on a H5N1 vaccine. I think the media blow it out of all proportion, because this kind of thing sounds worrying and is therefore headline-grabbing.

Some scientific details (very well explained):