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What's the 3rd year at Uni like?

Hey guys.
Is there anyone who has finish their 3rd year at uni?Was it the worst year ever?How did you cope with your exams and dissertation?
I'm doing Business management course and I am wondering how hard is the final year??

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It's a fair deal of work, on almost any degree. My first piece of advice would be to stay ahead of time on your dissertation.
Reply 2
I want to know this. *subscribes*
Reply 3
Also wanna know this ;P /subscribe/bump
I found second year worse than third year but I didn't have a dissertation to do! I found the leap from first to second year, coupled with the knowledge that everything I did now counted towards my degree far more stressful. Third year was okay because I stayed on top of my work... I did the reading for classes, did background research for the topic before seminars and had meetings with my tutors before I wrote essays to make sure that I was on the right track. I also made sure that I did my essays at least a week before the deadline so I had enough time to check them over and hand them in. Definitely the best way to keep calm about it all. :smile:

My flatmate felt the same way and she had a dissertation. She said the key is to plan way ahead of time and to plan what you're going to do every day and stick to it so you don't start panicking and stressing out. Regular meetings with tutors about it helped her to stay calm too.
Not sure.
Original post by .ACS.
I want to know this. *subscribes*

forgive me for being a noob, but is there actually a way to "subscribe to a thread"? :smile:
2nd year was tough as hell so im hoping it can only get better!!!
DISSERTATION. please please do it early or have the worst month of your life...
Reply 9
Original post by luketaylor777
forgive me for being a noob, but is there actually a way to "subscribe to a thread"? :smile:

Yes, try the orange 'thread tools' button at the top of the page and select 'watch thread'
Reply 10
Original post by luketaylor777
forgive me for being a noob, but is there actually a way to "subscribe to a thread"? :smile:

What the other person said. Or, just post in the thread and it automatically gets added to your watched list. :colone:
I always hear that second year is the hardest? Is this true?
Reply 12
Original post by ibelongtoslytherin
I always hear that second year is the hardest? Is this true?

I've heard this too. I'm not sure myself, but I think it might just seem like the toughest because of the transition from first to second year, perhaps? Seeing as most people do barely anything in their first year (e.g. 8 hours a week timetables/the first year counting for nothing) so obviously the second year comes as a shock, whereas they're more prepared for their third.

Just a theory, might be completely wrong. :colone:
I found the last year hard but not overly difficult to the point where I couldn't cope. I'd say juggling the dissertation and exams at the same time was the hardest aspect.
Reply 14
Original post by luketaylor777
forgive me for being a noob, but is there actually a way to "subscribe to a thread"? :smile:

Either by posting in a thread, or going to Thread Tools and then clicking on Watch Thread. Posting is more fun though. :tongue:
(edited 13 years ago)
Original post by ibelongtoslytherin
I always hear that second year is the hardest? Is this true?

The jump from first year to second is a big one - suddenly everything you do now counts towards your degree whereas before it didn't matter and you only needed to pass. Third year, you're more prepared for it and you have an idea of what you need to achieve in your exams and coursework to get the grade you want. If you got a 2.1 in second year then you work a bit harder in third year and can expect a 2.1 overall.

Second year is reassurance that you can manage the workload and so third year doesn't feel so daunting. Plus you have the knowledge that you'll be finishing in a few months so you don't need to pass the year to continue your degree - you'll be coming out with a degree.
Reply 16
Not sure about other subjects, but maths degree 3rd year (just finished) was BY FAR harder than second. Work load was horrendous and keeping means you will not have the freedom you used to like instead of just needing to work on sunday, it will be saturday and sunday. With 22hr a week timetable

plus i spent the whole year dreading the final exams, the entire 3 years came down to the final 3hrs
(edited 13 years ago)
I'm really happy I don't have a dissertation to do and hoping that will mean I won't feel too stressed out. I'm nervous about all the internship and training contract applications that are meant to be written and sent off though while still focusing on actually finishing with the grades I want/need. A bit scared about it all.
Reply 18
I think by the 3rd year you're fed up with education and want to get out in the real world....

....but when you're out in the real world you wish you were back at university!
Reply 19
I'm so nervous about third year, I'm just scared about the dissertation mostly... worried I'll screw it up. Just don't know what to expect.

But I'm also kinda glad that it's the final year, I just want my degree now (fingers crossed!)

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