The Student Room Group

Should I Bother?

Ok, this is a ''should I or shouldn't I'' thread.

Met a guy a year ago, were together for 6 months than broke up. Neither of us are particularly sentimental, we didnt even officially confirm that we were an 'item', let alone et to the 'I love you' part. However, I think the sentiments there with both of us, and having said that, we were both loyal etc.

We got back together, or should I say 'resumed contact' three months later, only to part again. We concluded that we didnt get on, even though we had agreed that we hadnt made enough effort.

Suppose i didnt really want to stop seeing him, but I didnt exactly cry at the thought of him. I'm really fond of him however, and he really is the most exciting person i've ever met, and am sure I could really love him.

He's not unloving, but isnt really the soppy type. His mother has cancer at the moment and he's obviously very preoccupied by that as she lives alone, he's understandably protective. So I know that there are reasons for his not being very enthusiastic about things. But we broke up because of this. I wanted him to show a little more enthusiasm, and i told him that I couldnt continue seeing him because of this.

So I was surprised when he text me a few weeks later wishing me happy birthday. I thanked him, didnt ask a question, so sguess there was no reason for him to text back. he sent me a message another week later saying ''oh and happy xmas and new year if I don't see you''. i replied to wish him a merry christmas aswell. Again, I didnt pose a question so he didnt send another. He text me again on new years eve to wish me the obvious, despite having done that already.

I text him on Monday, with the following.. ''hello, was looking through my inbox, came across your last msg, thought i'd send a text. how was your new year. and how is your mum lately?'' he replied back in 4 mins and was very chatty, asking where i was and how my new year was. The conversation was quite light-hearted and we kind-of took the mick out of each other, which is what we always used to do. The conversation ended with my text- again, I didnt ask a question to continue the chat.

He hasnt text since.

He's starting a new job in Feb (this was arranged back in Nov), so I know he's not up to much lately. I'm working part-time in town until midday everyday next week. Was thinking of sending an open message, basically saying this and if he'd like to meet for lunch or something, to let me know.

I dont want to ask directly, but leave it up to him to get in touch and agree if he wants to. Am I reading too much into his messages? Sould I send that text? It's just that he's never really seemed this communicative before! But please dont interpret this as meaning he's a bastard- he just isnt particularly soppy- but I wouldnt bother if he wasnt worth it!
yeah text him. it's better to regret doing something than to regret not doing it.
Reply 2
he was probably drunk and cant remember talking at all!

why do you think it so wrong to text him?
Reply 3
he was probably drunk and cant remember talking at all!

why do you think it so wrong to text him?

That's my point, he wasnt drunk. His new years text read: ''Just on the train to London, thought I'd say 'Happy New Year'' This was my earliest NY message- at 9.40pm.

Well, I ended it with him. Suppose I regret it. Just inteseted as to what other people thought and whether i'm reading too much into it.
Reply 4
tell him the truth...perhaps he was overjoyed you responded and is secretly tossing and turning over the same issue of seeming persistent with you - as was said, its better to regret something you have done than something you haven't done.
I dont know, i guess if he text you 3 times without you initiating a text in between, then maybe he'd like to see you again.

But then im a girl so cant get into a guy's mind! Would a guy really bother texting you if he wasnt bothered, especially after you dumped him?

I'm not in this situation, but was once, but would be interested if that's the case-if only for future reference? Would you text an x even if you had no interest in seeing them again? And generally when a guy texts a girl, does it mean you're on their mind?

It's just that I know guy's are a little less complex. Sorry if this looks like im stealin your thunder anonymous! x
nah, if a guy texts you first and with no real intention (he's not inviting you to a party or something), then he likes you.
good mermington
nah, if a guy texts you first and with no real intention (he's not inviting you to a party or something), then he likes you.

Sorry, feeling a bit thick here, but what do you mean by 'no real intention'? x
Reply 8
Ok, this is a ''should I or shouldn't I'' thread.

Met a guy a year ago, were together for 6 months than broke up. Neither of us are particularly sentimental, we didnt even officially confirm that we were an 'item', let alone et to the 'I love you' part. However, I think the sentiments there with both of us, and having said that, we were both loyal etc.

We got back together, or should I say 'resumed contact' three months later, only to part again. We concluded that we didnt get on, even though we had agreed that we hadnt made enough effort.

Suppose i didnt really want to stop seeing him, but I didnt exactly cry at the thought of him. I'm really fond of him however, and he really is the most exciting person i've ever met, and am sure I could really love him.

He's not unloving, but isnt really the soppy type. His mother has cancer at the moment and he's obviously very preoccupied by that as she lives alone, he's understandably protective. So I know that there are reasons for his not being very enthusiastic about things. But we broke up because of this. I wanted him to show a little more enthusiasm, and i told him that I couldnt continue seeing him because of this.

So I was surprised when he text me a few weeks later wishing me happy birthday. I thanked him, didnt ask a question, so sguess there was no reason for him to text back. he sent me a message another week later saying ''oh and happy xmas and new year if I don't see you''. i replied to wish him a merry christmas aswell. Again, I didnt pose a question so he didnt send another. He text me again on new years eve to wish me the obvious, despite having done that already.

I text him on Monday, with the following.. ''hello, was looking through my inbox, came across your last msg, thought i'd send a text. how was your new year. and how is your mum lately?'' he replied back in 4 mins and was very chatty, asking where i was and how my new year was. The conversation was quite light-hearted and we kind-of took the mick out of each other, which is what we always used to do. The conversation ended with my text- again, I didnt ask a question to continue the chat.

He hasnt text since.

He's starting a new job in Feb (this was arranged back in Nov), so I know he's not up to much lately. I'm working part-time in town until midday everyday next week. Was thinking of sending an open message, basically saying this and if he'd like to meet for lunch or something, to let me know.

I dont want to ask directly, but leave it up to him to get in touch and agree if he wants to. Am I reading too much into his messages? Sould I send that text? It's just that he's never really seemed this communicative before! But please dont interpret this as meaning he's a bastard- he just isnt particularly soppy- but I wouldnt bother if he wasnt worth it!

why dont you call him? Its obvious he still likes you otherwise he wouldnt even bothere remembering to text you on your birthday.
Reply 9
i think ur gona be an amazing couple.....he seems to need you very much....take the message.