I have been seeing this guy and we get on extremely well most of the time.
We are into the same kind of stuff, we can talk for hours and I dont seem to get bored no matter how much time we spend together.
He is asian and I am white,, I don't see this as a problem as my family are quite liberal and they wouldn't mind what race/religion he is as long as he was a nice person. However his family are really strict and don't let him go out with girls, I think this is because of the race difference but he assured me they would react the same way if he was seeing an asian girl; that its not the race issue just they oppose him having a girl friend.
One of my friends (who is asian) told me I should be careful as there is little chance of us having a future together so I shouldn't get too involved. I thought this might be the case but then he started behaving in a way that suggested he might be serious about me.
He has told me that he loves me and wants to be with me forever and after we graduate we can move in together ect and he says his family will come round if he tells them gradually. Also he is quite possessive, he gets jelous if I hang out with guys,, objects to me drinking alchohol, going clubbing ect. I know this can be annoying but it could prove that he does care about me because if he was just looking for a fling he wouldn't really care what I did in my spare time.
Does anyone think we have got a future or should I take my friend's advice and not get too involved?
Does anyone know of a situation similar to this one which has had a happy ending?