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All my teachers were munters.
Reply 2
i dont really think anyone would keep pcis of there teachers........
if u do put it up :biggrin::biggrin:
Reply 3

Yeh, there were teachers from primary and secondary school that I would have boned.
Reply 6
Ew, there was no nice teachers when I was at school - they were all REALLY old.
Yes, I loved this substitute teacher who teached GCSE electronics. He always ran after-school classes, and I always stayed pretending I was stuck. He was in his late 20's and very very cute. One time I stroked his leg with my foot, when he was explaining to me about relays, he gave me a weird look and moved his legs away. He left, I cried :frown: But he returned on the day when we got our GCSE results, and he patted my back and gave me like a half hug, awww.
Reply 8
I sleep while the teacher is in class. Does that count?:bandit:
Yes, I loved this substitute teacher who teached GCSE electronics. He always ran after-school classes, and I always stayed pretending I was stuck. He was in his late 20's and very very cute. One time I stroked his leg with my foot, when he was explaining to me about relays, he gave me a weird look and moved his legs away. He left, I cried :frown: But he returned on the day when we got our GCSE results, and he patted my back and gave me like a half hug, awww.

Yes, well you are a bit of a sociopath aren't you?

Reply 10
Yes, I loved this substitute teacher who teached GCSE electronics. He always ran after-school classes, and I always stayed pretending I was stuck. He was in his late 20's and very very cute. One time I stroked his leg with my foot, when he was explaining to me about relays, he gave me a weird look and moved his legs away. He left, I cried :frown: But he returned on the day when we got our GCSE results, and he patted my back and gave me like a half hug, awww.

awwwwwwwwww :smile:
Reply 11
is anyone going to post pics then?????????
I sleep while the teacher is in class. Does that count?:bandit:

genium. :turtle:
teacher into google gives:

is anyone going to post pics then?????????


Reply 15
Typical :rolleyes:
I have a few teachers I'd sleep with. I've got photos of them all on the puta but I'm not putting them up. We're going to cologne with them for my birthday yay =D
Reply 17
One of my teachers is hot, wouldn't mind her! :biggrin: Though she has a boyfriend, and, talking of him, I have an amusing little tale to tell you all.

So, if you're sitting comfortably? I'll begin.

My English teacher's boyfriend's boss has a son who has Muscular Distrophy and she decided to take him out to a wildlife park (he's 8), and at this wildlife park all the penguins can walk about on the paths and the public can pet them if the penguins will allow them to do so. Well, anyway, this little boy had his rucksack on, and, while his mum wasn't looking, slipped one of the little penguins into his rucksack and zipped it up.

At home, the Mum asked him to give her his rucksack for cleaning out (he'd carried his lunch in there), so he gave it to her and she said "wow, this is heavy!" then opened it and nearly had a heart attack, as the little penguin was in there, all fine.

So the mum phoned up the wildlife park and said that she'd got a penguin in her home accidentally, so they advised her to put it into a bath for the night and they'd pick it up in the morning, so they put it into a bath and apparantly it was perfectly happy and content! So they picked it up the next morning and all was well.

It's really amusing, ah, I wish I could have a penguin :biggrin: .
Wha? Where is the teacher-student sex? It seemd to be about a penguin to me.
There were a couple of PE teachers that every girl in the school fancied....except me,teachers aren't my thing!