The Student Room Group
Does anyone else do this? I do this a lot, I’m soo paranoid :redface:

All the time :rolleyes:
Reply 2
erm no lol
Does anyone else do this? I do this a lot, I’m soo paranoid :redface:
I've only done it once! I try not to give in to the paranoid urge!
Reply 4
Yeah - well not as much anymore, because I'm like clockwork now. But sometimes, I am really paranoid. My mum bought me a triple pack of 'Clear Blue' to keep in my drawer because I'm so paranoid :biggrin:
i have done a PT twice in my life out of sheer paranoia and 'what if-itis', not because i rationally actually thought i was pregnant.
don't see what's so wrong with it though. i rather put my mind at ease, and/or know that i am pregnant before it's too late to decide what to do about it.
Reply 6
I did once but because my boyfriend was paranoid, not me. :biggrin: We didn't even have full-on sex.