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When he uses "x" at the end of his text...someone tell me

Hiya! Can someone tell me, how common is it for guys to sign their texts with "x"? Does this mean "Kiss"? SOmeone told me it did, but then someone else told me it probably means the signature. I heard Brits use the "x" a lot though just to mean kiss, and that they may use it even on texts to friends.

I'm asking because this brit guy I started dating began signing his texts with "x", sometimes his initial plus "x" (like "Mx). Is it common to use the "x" when you send texts to a girl you are dating? Or do guys use it with all their friends? I was going to use it in a reply text to him but I am hesitant to do it before I really know what it means! :wink:

Thanks for any help!


PS, I'm American...just moved here 3 months ago, that's why I'm asking!

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Hiya! Can someone tell me, how common is it for guys to sign their texts with "x"? Does this mean "Kiss"? SOmeone told me it did, but then someone else told me it probably means the signature. I heard Brits use the "x" a lot though just to mean kiss, and that they may use it even on texts to friends.

I'm asking because this brit guy I started dating began signing his texts with "x", sometimes his initial plus "x" (like "Mx). Is it common to use the "x" when you send texts to a girl you are dating? Or do guys use it with all their friends? I was going to use it in a reply text to him but I am hesitant to do it before I really know what it means! :wink:

Thanks for any help!


PS, I'm American...just moved here 3 months ago, that's why I'm asking!
hehehe, my boyfriend does it to his male mates sometimes when he forgets! But most of my male friends, and all of my female ones end txts in x's... it tends to make it sound less harsh... sometimes i take texts the wrong way if there isnt a x!
Hiya! Can someone tell me, how common is it for guys to sign their texts with "x"? Does this mean "Kiss"? SOmeone told me it did, but then someone else told me it probably means the signature. I heard Brits use the "x" a lot though just to mean kiss, and that they may use it even on texts to friends.

I'm asking because this brit guy I started dating began signing his texts with "x", sometimes his initial plus "x" (like "Mx). Is it common to use the "x" when you send texts to a girl you are dating? Or do guys use it with all their friends? I was going to use it in a reply text to him but I am hesitant to do it before I really know what it means! :wink:

Thanks for any help!


PS, I'm American...just moved here 3 months ago, that's why I'm asking!

My friends and boyfriend both do it. It's just something friends do. I put an "x" at the end of every text I send to anyone.
i wouldn't read too much into it...everyone i know does it girls and guys
Reply 4
If it's a guy texting a girl who isn't an "old" chum, you can definitely interpret it as meaning a kiss.
I've been living abroad too and am always wary about using the x "signature". I've always found it a bit girly for a guy to use, unless he's writing to his girlfriend.
Reply 5
Yes, it does mean "kiss". However, the context shouldn't be read into deeply - it's just a polite thing that most people do to people they're mates with.

Generally happens whenever sending a text message to a girl or between girls, but not as much between guys (generalisation that's usually true, but I do "xx" between a couple of guy friends too).
Reply 6
It can do. Depends whether he normally does it though, as a lot of people just do it all the time. I put 3 x's at the end of all my texts lol, but then maybe it is a more girly thing!
Reply 7
i text everyone with a "x" at the end, it's just how i sign things. means bugger all really.
Reply 8
I've always found it a bit girly for a guy to use, unless he's writing to his girlfriend.

Quite true -- I might possibly use it for good female friends I have a platonic relationship with also, but never to other boys. Girls, on the other hand, tend to stick in an x or two no matter who they're writing to.
I was going to say 'don't read too much into it', then i saw you're already dating him. So.... who cares?
I was going to say 'don't read too much into it', then i saw you're already dating him. So.... who cares?

In the US, Dating someone means something different quite often...

You can go on a couple of dates with someone just to get to know them better, without even being sure you're that attracted or want to commit, and finally decide to part ways without ever being girlfriend and boyfriend.
I always put it on the end, BF doesn't. Then again, I can't remember the last time I had a text!
Reply 12
I do it when i remember. people are obsessed, i've had people arguing with me over why no x's etc. :rofl:
I usually do it whoever it is, unless its an angry text! And it's pretty much the same with most of my girl friends too. I find that with boys only the boyfriends and the old friends do it really. I don't set much regard by it though, it's just something to write at the end of the message..
I think girls take more notice of the "x" 's than guys do!

Some even count the number of "x" 's as a sign as to how the other person is feeling (eg if they're upset they won't put as many "x"s on!!! I have a friend who analyses her texts but the number of "x"s!!).

Its always nice to get one, but I don't ever read anything into it :biggrin:
It is very common... try not to read too much into it!
It's the equivalent of saying "luv ya!" or similar.
EDIT: Obviously, not "LOVE you"
Reply 16
If you put, say, xx at the end of a text and the person replies with one more x - xxx - it means they like you! Supposedly!

I always put xs, normally 3, on a text, but I only text girl mates. If a guy puts x I should imagine he likes you, 'coz otherwise it's just a bit of a girly thing to do.
Loads of guys put "x" when they text me, and I'm pretty sure most of them don't fancy me!
Hiya! Can someone tell me, how common is it for guys to sign their texts with "x"? Does this mean "Kiss"? SOmeone told me it did, but then someone else told me it probably means the signature. I heard Brits use the "x" a lot though just to mean kiss, and that they may use it even on texts to friends.

I'm asking because this brit guy I started dating began signing his texts with "x", sometimes his initial plus "x" (like "Mx). Is it common to use the "x" when you send texts to a girl you are dating? Or do guys use it with all their friends? I was going to use it in a reply text to him but I am hesitant to do it before I really know what it means! :wink:

Thanks for any help!


PS, I'm American...just moved here 3 months ago, that's why I'm asking!

Yes, it simply means 'kiss' - I use it whenever I text any of my girl mates.
I'd only read anything into it if you get a huge line of the things, like 'xxxxxxxx'