The Student Room Group
Reply 1
It'll depend where you go, but at Manchester the Biology degree is pretty heavy regarding timetable hours and there is actually a lot of work to do outside of lectures/labs etc - if you want to do well!

One of my housemates does Biology, she had loads of hours in uni last year (more than me) and was always doing work. This year it's even heavier...
Nope, the less work out of lessons isn't true unfortunately. At my Uni, the biomeds have more work out of lessons than even the medical students, which says a lot, since medics have an amazingly lecture intensive schedule and do one of the hardest degrees (en mi opinion). With science of any type, you are unlikely to get an easy ride, I get about 20-25 hours of lectures a week. If you do want a less intensive course, do an arts degree, a couple of my friends have about 10 hours a week and practically no work to do over christmas :frown: </contraversial comment>
Reply 3
ouch, well i'm sure i'll cope with 25 hours a week, its not TOO bad afterall
Reply 4
My timetable doesnt seem to be that bad. well is not as bad as i thought it would be anyway. I have most afternoons off, but a 9 o'clock every day which is a pain when youve gone out the night before! Its the 3 hour practicals that make the workload seem more (I only have 2 a week, some people have 3! ouch bad open unit choices there!) But I definately have more work that arts students. Practical reports and tutorial essays are the main workload Ive got at home, but thankfully none over christmas!

Im dreading next year mind (2nd) when it seems i'll have way more work!
Reply 5
three hour practicals!? i'm guna love that!
Reply 6
Just wait until you get the ones that go over days :P
Reply 7
This year I have a three hour practicals about 4 times a week, 8-10 lectures, 2 workshops, and a seminar per week.
Reply 8
I think this semster I'll be having 7hrs of lectures and 9hrs of practicals
Reply 9
Sounds great to me, thanks guys an gals
Reply 10
Nope, the less work out of lessons isn't true unfortunately. At my Uni, the biomeds have more work out of lessons than even the medical students, which says a lot, since medics have an amazingly lecture intensive schedule and do one of the hardest degrees (en mi opinion). With science of any type, you are unlikely to get an easy ride, I get about 20-25 hours of lectures a week. If you do want a less intensive course, do an arts degree, a couple of my friends have about 10 hours a week and practically no work to do over christmas :frown: </contraversial comment>
To be more controversial, I'd tell Biology students to do Biomed/ medical sciences if they want an easier degree.

...and I'd tell Biochem students to do biology.

The work I have to do in the lectures ran by the medical science dept is pitiful in comparison to those ran by biochem. Also, biochem requires AAB, bio ABB and biomed BBB yet biomeds get higher end grades than biology students who get higher end grades than biochem students.

Perhaps that's just at UCL: doss central.