The Student Room Group
Reply 1
needs good servicing

Take it to the Back Room! :p:
Reply 3

no fair i wanna be sexy! :frown:
Reply 4
Sleek, needs lots of attention, not bodywork just likes to be played with :wink:, always starts and has an engine that sounds like an angel.
Reply 5
no fair i wanna be sexy! :frown:

only one sexy i'm afraid, we could have sexcee but it don't have the same ring. :frown:
Reply 6
only one sexy i'm afraid, we could have sexcee but it don't have the same ring. :frown:

bah fine ill stick to sexC..... i like that :biggrin:
A smart car, small, and strong, but get quality for your money.
Reply 9
A smart car, small, and strong, but get quality for your money.

Smart Cars make me want to rip my eyes out and throw them at it. No offence. :p:
Reply 10
how about "i got a big exhaust pipe?" :biggrin:

and by that i mean farting too much
Perfect for a man having a midlife crisis...

strong, aggressive engine, big. Kind of like a hummer, big..but understanding lol
Smart Cars make me want to rip my eyes out and throw them at it. No offence. :p:

Your loss. :wink:
Reply 14
Reply 15
Peak Torque of 100000000lb/in, max torque at 2800rpm and can sustain till 15000 low end torque available


A smart car, small, and strong, but get quality for your money.
:toofunny: YEAH RIGHT!!!
My dream car in that colour :love:

I would be that car. Dont know how to describe it, I'm lost for words :love:
I would say fast, comfortable, carries alot round with her and able to sweep u off your feet!
I would say fast, comfortable, carries alot around with her and able to sweep u off your feet!

Is that for me? Dats good, thanks. Yes and I have all the curves :biggrin: :p:
Reply 19
An old banger.