The Student Room Group

Is this depression?

Over the past month or so,, I have been feeling really miserable. It doesn't seem to be for any apparant reason and it happens more when I am alone.
At first I put it down to stress about work or missing my bf ect but it seems worse than that. Some days I just cannot motivate myself to get out of bed or do work or even go out with friends. Sometimes I enjoy being with my friends but other times I do not have the energy to talk to anyone.

Also I feel like crying all the time,over really insignificant things and once I start crying I just can't seem to stop. Mostly this happens when I am alone but sometimes it happens when I am say walking in the street and it is so embarrasing people look at me or ask what is wrong. I usually cant go more than 2 days without crying. I feel so useless , I don't keep up with work at uni, I am really disorganised and lose things all the time. I have friends and a boyfriend but I seem to offend them without meaning or not spend enough time with them as I am often feeling too sad to go out. I dont know what to do to make this better.
Reply 1
You sound like my ex-girlfriend.
Its OK to feel like you are. Just don't get too depressed. If your boyfrined is a loyal committed guy, he'll put up with anything and he'll like you more for the fact that he may be able to help.
It seems like a phase you're going through rather than direct depression. Stay close to the ones that make you feel happy :smile:
Reply 2
Speak to someone about it, a counsellor, supervisor, doctor, anyone. If how you're feeling is affecting your life, work and friendships then you need to do something about it before it escalates. It sounds a though you could very well have depression, so please speak to someone. Explain things to your bf and mates as well, they'll be less likely to get pissed off and more able to help if they know the reasons for how you're acting.
Reply 3
dont forget hormones are all over the place way after puberty has finished. and lots of people go through stages of feeling low

things will pick up - thats the attitude