The Student Room Group

how long.....?

how long do u go out with someone before sleeping with them?
have jus started goin out with a guy from work who is older, only been goin out since xmas
n the other day we were cuddling n he asked how long would i go out for someone before sleeping with them
but i havent ever had 2 consider this before as have never been out with anyone i would even have considered sleeping with!!
Reply 1
its up to you really hunny
Reply 2
yeah defo

each person is different only you know when you are ready

there is no time limit - when you dont have to ask or worry about it any more is usually when you know
Reply 3
First night for one nighter.

Truely liking someone is down to both of you and cannot be set a determined time.
People don't have hard and fast rules abotu this stuff - sleep with someone when it feels right and you both feel ready and want it.
Reply 5
bit of a presumptuous question really- dont feel pressured into anything.. just wait until you're ready and really want it for yourself, not him.
To be honest I don't think you should do anything with him if you're not ready. I don't understand people who ask how long you'd go out with somebody before sleeping with them.. you do it when you're ready and not before.

Just make sure you feel comfortable around him, and that he feels comfortable around you, and only make your decision when you're absolutely sure it is the right time. :smile:
Reply 7
it feels right when am with him
so far have just taken top off (me and him)
it feels right when am with him
so far have just taken top off (me and him)

Well take your time.. No need to rush into anything :smile:
Yeah, whenever you think it's right like everyone else has said.

You need to work out whether your worry comes from yourself being unsure - in which case just take a step back and try to stop thinking about it so much, and just take your time and see what happens, or whether the worry comes from him being pushy about it in anyway - if it is you need to talk to him.