The Student Room Group
We do one a week for homework but we do the GCSE ones oddly and they're quite easy of course lol, but for German we do the Authentik ones (As this time hehe) and they're much more :eek:!
do NOT worry about Authentik listening - it's REALLY damn hard, for most people anyway. the ACTUAL listening (real exam) is MUCH easier. in the Authentik ones, there is all sorts of background noise, and the recordings are taken from real sources (not recorded just for the listening). the real listening exam is much slower as well
I payed 64 quid for the authentik magazines in french and german and we havent even had a tape for either.. so we cant do the listening plus our french teacher has lost the recent german copies :frown: ! grrrrrr
Reply 4
do NOT worry about Authentik listening - it's REALLY damn hard, for most people anyway. the ACTUAL listening (real exam) is MUCH easier. in the Authentik ones, there is all sorts of background noise, and the recordings are taken from real sources (not recorded just for the listening). the real listening exam is much slower as well

on the bright side, practise with the Authentik for a while and then the exam will be much easier! i did hard practise music papers and when it came to the exam it was a lot easier and straight forward! (different i know, but you get the drift!)
Reply 5
I was just wondering if all of you that actually have the Authentik French cassettes/CD's could tell me how many practice listening exams there are on there, since my Sixth Form does not do anything like this and as I really would like to improve my French I would like to know if I should go and purchase the cassette/CD myself.

Perhaps someone with the cassette/CD could post a little clip from it, so that I could see how it is, before I made a decision?


Reply 6
erm.. i would post a clip for you.. but im no techy.. and dont have a clue how... erm, on MY tape, i think there are 16 or something questions... some aimed at AS level, and some aimed at A level...
Reply 7
The Au point ones can be tricky too, mainly because they're poor quality due to the interviews being on telephone conversations with people coughing and interrupting each other and such... :p: But listening to french speakers has made it much easier for me to understand faster spoken french. That said, even if I know what is being said, some questions can still be possibly ambiguous in their answer. Similarly I have listened to the harder Au point tapes and the exam was simple in comparison.
Reply 8
yeh the authentik ones definitely much harder than what you will get in your exam so don't worry.
Reply 9
authentik is really much more difficult than the exam.
so if you can do them, yay!!!
anyone done the ones with the cd with juliet binoche from chocolat on the cover?
I payed 64 quid for the authentik magazines in french and german and we havent even had a tape for either.. so we cant do the listening plus our french teacher has lost the recent german copies :frown: ! grrrrrr

£64? I paid about £11 each! Well actually I haven't paid yet.. I should get on that.
In fact they haven't got on to giving us the tapes yet.. some excuse about the company not sending them etc :rolleyes:
I get set one from Authentik booklet practically every week and I remember finding the AS ones reallt hard, but I could still do them with a bit of effort. The more you try the easier it gets!
I've also been given the Au Point ones but have yet to try any! I think I'm supposed to do one for next week though. *sigh*
Reply 12
could anyone post the authentik german tracks please? aparantly you can download them from the net if you've subscribed, but i can't seem to find any... (would like any of the 2006/2007 series)