The Student Room Group

Pub Advice

So i live in a village and people from school go to the pub on a weekly basis (age 17/18 , im male btw). I dont, as with some others. I used to go to the pub on random occasions, but never weekly. i went on new year and it was great fun - execpt i canot imagine ever going to the pub on a weekly basis.... but i would like to... so please can you pursuade me / advise me on how to make it fun. im shy but had a great time on new yr.
thanks a lot :biggrin:
Reply 1
ta for that, but what do i talk about? i dont know half the people there, who r olda too!!! :redface:
Yeah, back in the day when I was at school (15-18) we always used to go to the pub at lunchtimes, not to drink really, but to play pool/darts/bar billiards as it was a lot of fun.
Reply 3
socialising in pubs is easier than u think, go with ur mates and they'll know other people there, so when they talk to the people u dont know join in and then u become friends with them and then they introduce u to their friends and so on and so forth, over a period of time maybe, like a big expanding spiral
Reply 4
You might find chatting easier with a few drinks in you - and you'd be in the right place for that. :wink:
Reply 5
You might find chatting easier with a few drinks in you - and you'd be in the right place for that. :wink:

yeh, also i find that u walk in, and people are all sitting in a circle and there are no chairs so what do you do??? <--- this happens in my pub. i can imagine myself just lerking without purpose and then buggering off!! :redface: :p:
Reply 6
You can have great convosations, and week by week those convosations will get easier.
Reply 7
Say hi to everyone, then go and grab a chair...they aren't going to expect you to walk back out the door because you can't get a seat straight away :smile: Just be relaxed and talk about whatever comes into your head.
Reply 8
i HAVE to go every week ... i have a problem.
Reply 9
also i find that u walk in, and people are all sitting in a circle and there are no chairs so what do you do??? <--- this happens in my pub. i can imagine myself just lerking without purpose and then buggering off!!

yeh say im gona go get a chair and go get one, people will move round 4 u to sit with them
Reply 10
yeh say im gona go get a chair and go get one, people will move round 4 u to sit with them

logical. thanks, that is wat i needed :smile: :smile:
Reply 11
Maybe i'm missing something, but why do you want to go and tell a table of old men that you are just off to get a chair but will be joining them in a minute??
Reply 12
Motherless Child
Maybe i'm missing something, but why do you want to go and tell a table of old men that you are just off to get a chair but will be joining them in a minute??

Reply 13
I go to pub every week I am 18, I dont get pissed every week I just have 4/5 pints with some mates, the pub is the only time I see most of my best mates.

Its ok but not that exciting most of the time. If you go regular you get to know the regulars and Im quite shy but you will be fine in a pub.