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Geography Degree without Geography A level

I think i made a big mistake in not taking geography to A level. I took it for GCSE and it was my favourite subject with French but my timetable clashed this year and i chose french instead!
However, now I really feel that i could pursue a geography degree :confused:

i was wondering whether anybody has applied or is planning to apply to university to study geography with either no geography A level or an AS level in geography??

What universities?

I'm hoping to take an AS level in geography next year! Any replies much appreciated! :smile:
Reply 1
I think that loughborough say they do not require geography at a level

This is what they say:
Typical Offer BSc (Hons)
A Level Qualifications

300 points made up from 3 full A Levels.

Having a background in Geography or a related subject will be useful but we do not insist on Geography at A2 level. We do not accept General Studies or Key Skills for this programme.
Lots of places dont require an A-Level, although many do think that having an AS-Level is quite important. I think if you have good grades and you show you are committed, you can get into most places to read Geography.
Loughborough, Durham, UCL, Sheffield and Cambridge don't require A-level Geography, but a related subject and/or Geography at AS-level would probably be needed/useful.
I'm in the same boat; I've applied to Manchester, Queen Mary's, King's College and Glasgow which don't require geography, and Sheffield and Leeds which do. If your personal statement's strong (you could explain how it was your favourite subject at GCSE and that you wish you'd taken it in first year) you shouldn't have too much of a problem, 'specially if you have any similar subjects at A/AS level (sociology, economics, geology etc)
Reply 5
Loughborough, Durham, UCL, Sheffield and Cambridge don't require A-level Geography, but a related subject and/or Geography at AS-level would probably be needed/useful.

Can someone tell me which subjects are considered as related to Geography?
Can someone tell me which subjects are considered as related to Geography?
BA (human) - history, economics, sociology
BSc (physical) - bio, chem, physics, env sci, geology, maths

Pretty much anything really, but not creative subjs like art, drama, PE I guess.
Reply 7
I think i made a big mistake in not taking geography to A level. I took it for GCSE and it was my favourite subject with French but my timetable clashed this year and i chose french instead!
However, now I really feel that i could pursue a geography degree :confused:

i was wondering whether anybody has applied or is planning to apply to university to study geography with either no geography A level or an AS level in geography??

What universities?

I'm hoping to take an AS level in geography next year! Any replies much appreciated! :smile:

I know Oxford and Cambridge don't actually require Geography A level but it is highly reccommended and would be difficult to get in to them without it. I'd suggest having a look at some Scottish Unis, since they have lower requirements for A level students because the Scottish Highers have a lower standard. I am pretty certain that St Andrews doesn't ask for Geography A level.
If you're applying for a BSc course many unis require a science A-level... maths, geog, phyics, chem, biology etc etc

Also, I guess you must be in your 1st year of 6th form? Have you got the option to do AS Geog next year? that might be worthwhile?

Edit... sorry just reread your original post... ignore the last bit!!
Reply 9
I was wondering. Perhaps if you do some work now you could get one maybe 2 of the AS Geography modules out of the way in the summer, leaving yourself with the possibility of doing the full A2 by summer 2007.
Reply 10
Thnx 4 all the replies
In reply to JaDaAu, i have talked to my head of sixth form bt she says that it might be too much pressure because i am already doing 4/5 AS levels now and 2 of those are new subjects for me.
She says taking geography AS in september is a definite option.
I am doing maths, french, computing and economics (and general studies). Does that mean i should apply for a BA??
Reply 11
Thnx 4 all the replies
In reply to JaDaAu, i have talked to my head of sixth form bt she says that it might be too much pressure because i am already doing 4/5 AS levels now and 2 of those are new subjects for me.
She says taking geography AS in september is a definite option.
I am doing maths, french, computing and economics (and general studies). Does that mean i should apply for a BA??

Some Unis have the same requirements for BA and BSc Geog, and some of these require sciences for both. You could probably get into some of these with Maths and Geog as the sciences but i'm not sure. Then there are other universities that are more leniant with their requirements. It depends on whether universities will count computing as an accepted science to some extent. The only way to tell would be to trawl through the prospectuses and check out the requirements i'm afraid.
Every uni i've come across takes maths as a science. I'm sure if you apply for a BA and then realise you want to pursue a more sciency line once you're at uni it wouldnt be too hard to change. The 1st year in the majority of unis are the same in both BAs and BScs.
Reply 13
Every uni i've come across takes maths as a science. I'm sure if you apply for a BA and then realise you want to pursue a more sciency line once you're at uni it wouldnt be too hard to change. The 1st year in the majority of unis are the same in both BAs and BScs.

Exactly, it really doesn't matter for most unis which of the BA or BSc you apply for, it is very easy to change between. At Birmingham for example although you apply for either a BA or a BSc, the core courses are the same throughout, and you all have the same optional modules available. Therefore if you apply for the BA but end up doing more physical geography you can just end up with a BSc instead.
Reply 14
Great! thanks for all the above information. It is really really appreciated and i'll definitely take on board what you've said!

Thank you again!
Reply 15
i beleive most unis want a level geog in order to do geog at degree level, ring up and ask to speak to head of admissions for geog and a uni ur interested in, they'l give u best answer
Reply 16
I'm currently doing geography at uni, nd didn't take it for A level, I did it at GCSE though, which has been a definite help with some of the stuff, would probably have been handy to have done an A level or AS in it, but it isn't too bad without :smile:
Reply 17
I'm currently doing geography at uni, nd didn't take it for A level, I did it at GCSE though, which has been a definite help with some of the stuff, would probably have been handy to have done an A level or AS in it, but it isn't too bad without :smile:

What other subjects did you do and where are you studying now??
Reply 18
What other subjects did you do and where are you studying now??

I did Psychology, Biology nd History at A level, the biology background has helped slightly when it came to the biodiversity module I did last semester. I'm studying at Hertfordshire Uni, the course is pretty good and am enjoying it. Not having done geography hasn't seemed to hinder me too much, but it does mean doing the occasional bit more reading than other people, but that's to be expected I guess