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If your foreskin needs "loosening", I suggest you see a doctor, rather than attempt DIY penis surgery and risk hurting yourself.
Absolutely no idea!

Ask a doctor, yeah! :smile:
Reply 3
staple a mini weight to it.
staple a mini weight to it.

Or a huge boulder.. :cool:
Reply 5
Hey. I had a really tight one about a year ago, i couldn't even see "my head" before. I started to stretch it and within a month or so i'd managed to get it functioning like normal. Just slowly stretch it and if it doesn't work then go to a doctor.
Reply 6
Yeah it functions normally, I can have sex and pull it all the way back, but that takes a little effort. I want it nice and loose.

Anyone have any ideas about taping it back? I was told its okay but its tricky to do. Another person told me to try some hydrocortisone cream...anyone know about that? Where would I apply it...on the inside or outside of the foreskin?
Reply 7
oh jeez.dont start putting lotions and potions on your penis. get a doctor's advise if you really want it 'loose'
Reply 8
It's not lotion its steriod cream. A guy on a forum on the internet who said he was a doctor told me so...

He said I could get it over the counter but I havent seen it anywhere...
Reply 9
If your foreskin needs "loosening", I suggest you see a doctor, rather than attempt DIY penis surgery and risk hurting yourself.

Reply 10
oh ok - so if a guy says he's a doctor on a forum, you believe him?
go ahead then and put steroid cream on your penis. good luck

yeah you wont have seen it because it's OVER THE COUNTER - as in you have to ask for it
It's not lotion its steriod cream. A guy on a forum on the internet who said he was a doctor told me so...
It must be true then...
Reply 12
A guy on a forum on the internet who said he was a doctor told me so...

He said I could get it over the counter but I havent seen it anywhere...

You do realize how shady that sounds, right?
Reply 13
If your foreskin needs "loosening", I suggest you see a doctor, rather than attempt DIY penis surgery and risk hurting yourself.

No please do DIY surgery....i love these types of threads!


I think the doctor is the best plan of action.
It's not lotion its steriod cream. A guy on a forum on the internet who said he was a doctor told me so...

He said I could get it over the counter but I havent seen it anywhere...

Oh please, please don't be so bloody stupid! The person on the forum on the internet who said he was a doctor was probably twelve.
Reply 15
oh ok - so if a guy says he's a doctor on a forum, you believe him?
go ahead then and put steroid cream on your penis. good luck

yeah you wont have seen it because it's OVER THE COUNTER - as in you have to ask for it

:biggrin: lol
Reply 16
i didn't know about hydrocortisone cream when i was 12, not do i know about it now. but yeah, it did sound really shady, lol. go to a real doctor.
Reply 17
I know it sounded shady and thats why I said it lol. But even if he wasnt a real doctor I just looked up on google and hydrocortisone is 86% effective in treating phimosis which is good so it should work. I think I'll order it online.
i didn't know about hydrocortisone cream when i was 12, not do i know about it now. but yeah, it did sound really shady, lol. go to a real doctor.

Neither did I, but my brother was using it from the age of 11 to treat his eczema, and probably would have found it very funny to pretend he was a doctor and tell someone on the net to put it on his dick. :rolleyes:
..There are some really messed up threads on here.