hey ciara, it's ok, if you wanna chat or anything you can always come round to my room, im going back tomorrow too. As for the boyfriend thing, I know it is such a hard situation to deal with. I think the best thing to do is to see how this term does go alone, be friends with him still, but don't see him for a few months or this term, then you will both know whether you really do miss each other, or whether it was just the fact that youre used to being together keeping you there. It is really hard at first, but you just need to concentrate on other things while at uni, it will be easier at uni when you are busy all the time. Tho it never is easy, keep the chin up, and remember you broke up as friends, not because you hurt each other, and that is to be proud of. The only thing to do really is to wait, but if you do still really miss him...tell him that, don't keep it all inside.
Sorry I cant help with the parent thing. It's horrible hearing them shout, but you won't be there to hear it soon, I know that doesn't make it go away, but atleast you won't be in the middle as much.
Was it your decision to break up? I have pm'd you my email address if you wanna add me to msn feel free.
luv nix x