The Student Room Group

Question on Arranging "dates" and other random stuff

basicly, me and this girl have been on and off for a good 5 months, unspokenly commitited but never too serious [ though we both are virgins and she is the only one that knows i am because i felt i should tell her], we have had our moments where things did get pretty crap due to circumstances and family issues. We both went away in december for a month, left on good terms, but she had no email access and timing and calling florida to south africa would be difficult.

Now we're both back. As soon as she got back she emailed me [thursday] saying like "i'm sure there is some stories you need to share", next day we had an msn convo and she was more talkative then ever, replying very fast, and also she came on at night and told me "i'm just coming online to say goodnite", then signed off, which never happens [her net and room are 3 floors apart]. She was ill on friday.

I figured she may have missed me/still be interested so thought i should give her the option of getting together. I texted her today something like "if tonight you are taking a break from revising like me then maybe you would like to get together".

After i got back from the gym she came on msn at 8 and said "hey just got your text, kinda late now hey", I said, "well if it is for you, if you did want to see me i wouldn't mind coming up there but if not its ok" she said "kinda still ill and in pajammers, but maybe 2morrow? "

so, question is, this sounds petty but its on my mind. Is it up to her to ring me tommorow if she can get together? Or is that a prompt for me to now get in contact again tommorow and say "heyy so how about today".

Problem is i guess, at points in the past i feel i may have been too clingy and determined. My reasoning was back then, if she wanted to get together, but that requires abit of encouragement from me, its worth it in the end as it means i'll get to see her. But 2006, i want to be more layed back like i was in the "Early" days of things. So, what do girls think. Just, if she expects me to call and i dont, it may be interpreted by her as disinterest, and everybody loses, ya know?

Please note, this isn't some girl i've just met, we've seen each other for awhile but both changed along the way i think.
Text/MSN her, just to ask her how she's feeling. Don't mention meeting up til she does.
Reply 2
I would mention it but leave it open like say "do you wana meet up today, doesnt matter if you dont want to."

From past experience most girls like guys to put the effort in and make the first move. Just try to be confident and dont take it too bad if she says no.
Reply 3
i mean, i'm not gonna be really disappointed if she says no, i've spent the month single and had a good time, just if there is a chance of having more good times with her it'd be very nice as i'm never disappointed