The Student Room Group

Why being a girl can be just so rubbish

Well, maybe guys get this too.

The smallest things seem to be the worst things in the world. Its stupid and irrational. Its not even that important. But I just feel like I wanna cry. And I have done.

Ohhhh its midnight I'm not making any sense this thread is pointless and will be closed but I wanted to talk about it cos my friends won't understand and I feel really alone. And I've forgotten how to punctuate.

Sorry :frown:

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Think everyone gets times like that :-(

It'll prob seem better in the morning after a good nights sleep x
Aww.. its ok, being a girl CAN be rubbish, and you are not alone. Its late, so go to bed and im sure you'll feel much better in the morning. :hugs:

And the punctuation wasn't that bad :smile:
Reply 3
I hope so. Problems do tend to magnify themselves at night.

I've just read my post back. I apologise for the patheticness of it
Reply 4
Well, maybe guys get this too.

The smallest things seem to be the worst things in the world. Its stupid and irrational. Its not even that important. But I just feel like I wanna cry. And I have done.

Ohhhh its midnight I'm not making any sense this thread is pointless and will be closed but I wanted to talk about it cos my friends won't understand and I feel really alone. And I've forgotten how to punctuate.

Sorry :frown:

yeah. you aren't alone. stupid things get me upset.. like i'm looking for a job at the moment, and the first place i phoned up started asking maths questions and it totally threw me. once off the phone, i burst into tears and got quite hysterical.. anyone else would have probably just shrugged it off and moved on, but not me.
and little things like when my boyfriend doesn't understand why i'm so angry at that lovely lady time of the month, and he gets angry, and then angry that i cry..
and when the tv won't work, or i can't get a picture to go into the photo album because the pockets are too small..

meh. you aren't alone though.
Reply 5
heeeyyy, don't worry.

anything that upsets you is fair game. I think you're just a victim of your hormones tonight, right?

cry it out, there's no shame in that.

and I'm about for a bit, so if you want to talk I can always slip you my MSN or you can PM me :smile:

That started me off again!

You guys are really nice thankyou :smile:

Its good to know its not just me that gets upset over little things

EDIT: that reminds me, why is it that people being nice to me makes me cry?? It always has done, but doesn't really make sense.
Reply 6

The smallest things seem to be the worst things in the world. Its stupid and irrational. Its not even that important. But I just feel like I wanna cry. And I have done.
Aw :frown:

It's ok we all get that from time to time. It's just human brain-chemistry. Though for me it usually ends up with my hurting my knuckles off a brick wall rather than crying. Never done in public but later when I'm alone I'll remember this insignificant incident and **BAM.. I should wear boxing gloves :mad:
Reply 7
I was like that a few days ago. Blame it on the periods and move on! :biggrin: x
Reply 8
don't worry! whatever it is that's bothering you will turn out fine in the end. try reading a really happy and funny book or do what i do -- eat ginerbread cookies and watch cartoons. never fails! :smile:
i know how you feel, once you get going in that kind of mood you can't stop. even if you know you are being a silly girl!!
Reply 10
Yeah, I think its a combination of monthlyness (hormones and a generally weak emotional state), lateness, and also the fact that the thing itself is a bit poo.

Pumpkin: that photo album thing kinda made me laugh! I know exactly what you mean. It happens to me when I can't find the TV remote or something.
Reply 11

It's ok we all get that from time to time. It's just human brain-chemistry. Though for me it usually ends up with my hurting my knuckles off a brick wall rather than crying. Never done in public but later when I'm alone I'll remember this insignificant incident and **BAM.. I should wear boxing gloves :mad:

Haha, I used to have a friend who'd punch holes in his bedroom wall when he got angry, then write the date next to them to commemorate the time he got that upset.
Reply 12
I'm a guy, but I don't understand why other guys punch walls or get angry at times like that, it just doesn't seem natural to respond that way... I may cry in deep sadness or have "dry tears" and listen to depressing ballads... in a way it does feel cathartic, the worse times are the genuine total sadness for silly reasons that you can't eliminate...
Reply 13
ah.. boys who cry are the best. shows they are only human, and that they don't care that they aren't all 'macho' all the time. plus, it's nice to be able to look after a lad once in a while.. especially if yo uare a girl and you get all the looking after.
Reply 14
Thanks for your help guys. I'm feeling a bit better now. I'm gonna go to bed now, listen to some good music, have a mahoosive lie in tomorrow and then feel much better and also quite embarassed about the night before, heh.

Reply 15
i feel like getting trashed. never have done before. looks fun.
Reply 16
I've tried but I just can't drink that much! Besides if you're already feeling crappy and get drunk chances are you'll end up feeling even crappier.
Reply 17
true. meh. 2006 is getting off to such a great start. :frown:
Reply 18
Awww *hugs all round* it's the most depressing time of the year - January sucks! Things will pick up again soon :smile:
Reply 19
my birthday is on the 11th of jan.. it sucks most years.