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yes, but it will ruin your eyes.
Reply 2
you can but its deangerous and i wouldnt advise it


this should be in health i think btw
Reply 3
my dad is an ophthalmologist and says that 30 day contact lenses are baaaaaad as they are! Well that's just my dad i think, he just doesnt like them and discourages my brother from using them because he says something like it restricts oxygen to the eye..

so i would advice u...definitely dont use them more than 30 days... :smile:
They don't suddenly expire, so one or two days more won't hurt. Provided you keep them clean. I wouldn't advise any longer than that.
I have them and were told as long as I didnt wear them daily they would last longer, my optician said if i only wore them to go out they could probably last me 4 months, each one for 2 months
Reply 6

simply the more you wear them the more they dry out. The more they dry out (i.e. the less water they contain) the less oxygen can pass through them..

So, if you wear them every day for the 30 days then it would be best to ditch them, but if you have used them only 5 times then its ok to extend their life by a little..
Reply 7 using them everyday, 12 hours a go so i gues id better not extend their life!!

i know what your dad means about restricting oxygen: the eye feels as if its 'breathing' when i take them off at night...

but they are so much better than glasses though! the bridge of my nose was KILLING me cos my glasses were so heavy!
Reply 8
Look, if you were them for more than 30 days and it's not doing you any harm (ie not hurting you) it's fine. I wear my monthly ones longer than one month and it's no problem.
I wear my monthly ones longer than one month and it's no problem.

Reply 10
bam >150 posts im a respected member! sorry if i strayed off the subject
Reply 11
did OP mean the contacts that you wear continuously for 30 days? Cos those are def bad regarding oxygen supply to eye....but yeah, if you were referring to monthly lenses that you remove at night and clean/soak, then, as above, depends how often you're wearing them. As Navajo said really. Quick Q, you know you said the longer you wear them, the more they dry out? well When you soak them at night, does that replenish the moisture? And does that mean the longer you soak them (like 15 hrs rather than 10 or sumfing) then the more 'moisturised' they will be in the morning? Soz if I sound silly, just curious x
Reply 12
my cousin wears them... he takes them out every two weeks for a night anyway to give his eyes a rest.. don't wear them for more than 30 days... are you really that lazy?
Reply 13
its not the continuous ones, i need to take them out every night etc etc.
i have the 30days lenses and i take them out every night - and make sure i clean them thoroughly

sometimes i forget to change them and have worn the same set for up to 6 weeks - but after realising this i could see that the edges of the lenses were starting to tear! :eek:

if the lenses look ok, and u clean them thoroughly, then wearing them for 5 weeks is ok - but more than that and u will probably end up having sore red eyes = not good :biggrin:
You can get away with it, but you really should stick to changing them at the right time. I nearly had to stop wearing lenses because I kept using them after the thirty days too often. You can feel the difference with a fresh pair, even when you change them at the right time. If you change them too late, the lens really isn't in a good state.
I had no idea there were lenses that you can wear continously for 30 days. :redface:
Sometimes i wear them for an extra week or so, can't really see the harm in that since i don't wear my contacts for the whole day.
Reply 17
I don't think you can wear them continously- you have to take them out at night. I got mine on the 22/12 and I'm still using the same pair. I take them out at night and put them into a solution to clean them and store them. Then they're fine. I do notice though, that putting them in nowis a bit more painful, but only for a minuite or two once I put them in.
Contact lenses should only be worn 10 hours a day MAX.
Contact lenses should only be worn 10 hours a day MAX.

Not necessarily true, fortunately - it would be exceptionally inconvenient if this were true, as you'd have to work out complex things about when to put them in and take them out, and probably cart round solutions and glasses.

It's perfectly possible to wear contacts for longer than 10 hours - what you say migth have been true for earlier generations of lenses, but I wear mine (soft monthly ones) for 12-14 hours a day on average, 7 days a week and the optician said my eyes were fine and that the length of time I was wearing them for was fine. He did say he sees people with problems from overuse but he didn't think I was overdoing it with them and, as I say, I wear them about 12 hours generally.

To the OP - you can extend the use by a few days, but it's best to change as soon as you feel them getting noticeably uncomfortable when you put them in. This is how I know I should change mine, since I'm not great with remembering when the month is up. :redface: But it won't kill you if you go over once or twice, I have and my eyes are fine.