The Student Room Group

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Reply 1
Depends very much on your perspective..., they are pretty large and powerful on campus, though to me they seem like a bunch of nazis.

I've heard the Christian Focus lot are much nicer :smile:
Reply 2
I'm hoping to study class. civ. at Nottingham next year, and was wondering what the Christian Union's like. The Gilbert and Sullivan society also looks a fun society to join. :cool:

I want to know about the Christian stuff too!! Esp CU/Prayer Meetings.

Also, is there a Catholic Church somewhere nearby?


Depends very much on your perspective..., they are pretty large and powerful on campus, though to me they seem like a bunch of nazis.

I've heard the Christian Focus lot are much nicer :smile:
...why nazis?!
Reply 3
They gave us free beans!
Reply 4
the CU generally discourages any involvement at higher levels by women (rumour has it that they don't allow women presidents but this may well just be convention) or gays, a stance i find incredibly outdated.

if you are christian and want to get involved with uni stuff then again the CF is meant to be nice and the gospel choir are fantastic and fully recommended.
Reply 5
Depends what you're after- if you want the full on evangelical thing, then CU is for you. If you want a more relaxed (liberal?) kind of thing, definitly stick to Cath Soc or Christian Focus.

And I think both Cath Soc and CF organise some kind of mass on campus, and all three have prayer meetings/bible study.
Reply 6
the CU generally discourages any involvement at higher levels by women (rumour has it that they don't allow women presidents but this may well just be convention) or gays, a stance i find incredibly outdated.

practicing homosexuals? or just those who fancy their own sex? cos if the 1st i agree...people who are doing something which it says in the Bible quite clearly NOT to do shouldnt really be running a Christian Union should they?


Depends what you're after- if you want the full on evangelical thing, then CU is for you. If you want a more relaxed (liberal?) kind of thing, definitly stick to Cath Soc or Christian Focus.

And I think both Cath Soc and CF organise some kind of mass on campus, and all three have prayer meetings/bible study.

thanks! :smile:
Reply 7
practicing homosexuals? or just those who fancy their own sex? cos if the 1st i agree...people who are doing something which it says in the Bible quite clearly NOT to do shouldnt really be running a Christian Union should they?

The CU are homophobic throughout, but this isn't the place to debate religion and its refusal to accept reality.

However if you agree with the viewpoint then i'm sure the CU would be happy to embrace you and offer support through your time at university.
Reply 8
A girl i know is going to be CU secretary next year.

Apart from the big stuff that's already been mentioned there's also nine20 groups in halls. These groups have meetings once a week and they involve fun stuff and a bit of bible study. They are generally run by 2 second years who live in hall with you. Nine20 also help run events in hall, for example cheese toastie nights, or open mic nights. They also handed out mince pies at xmas. They're a really friendly lot, but the group will probably be small, maybe 20 or so. There are loads of different kinds of churches nearby, if you go to Nine20 meetings they will help you find one that's suitable for you. xx
Reply 9
The CU are homophobic throughout, but this isn't the place to debate religion and its refusal to accept reality.

i think there's a difference between being homosphobic and what most Christians believe on the issue - in case you didnt know, most Christians don't see a problem with people being gay. Maybe you should look into it a bit more? As you clearly don't really have much knowledge about what being a Christian means...


Apart from the big stuff that's already been mentioned there's also nine20 groups in halls. These groups have meetings once a week and they involve fun stuff and a bit of bible study. They are generally run by 2 second years who live in hall with you. Nine20 also help run events in hall, for example cheese toastie nights, or open mic nights. They also handed out mince pies at xmas. They're a really friendly lot, but the group will probably be small, maybe 20 or so. There are loads of different kinds of churches nearby, if you go to Nine20 meetings they will help you find one that's suitable for you. xx

so are they kind of mini-CUs? Like, the Christians in each hall having their own meetings etc? Sounds cool!
Reply 10
Yeah just like that :biggrin: xx
the CU generally discourages any involvement at higher levels by women (rumour has it that they don't allow women presidents but this may well just be convention) or gays, a stance i find incredibly outdated.

if you are christian and want to get involved with uni stuff then again the CF is meant to be nice and the gospel choir are fantastic and fully recommended.

Erm, where is your information coming from....NO, not true.


The CU is primarily for the more Evangelical xns and they have large meetings on a Friday evening. Alos it is possible to go away on weekend religious conventions with them (this also happens with Cath soc-for Catholis, obviously) Christian focus is for those not evangelical and not Catholic. 9/20 are also really good, but the one at Lenton and Wortley hall isn't as large as 20 members. All are extremely good at helping you fit in and finding the right church (the cu encourages this and don't want people to replace church gatherings with the cu meeting). Honestly, all the Christians here are a good bunch...but at the end of it all religion si a private spiratual thing, and as long as you have god in your heart then you will be fine. (Oh, and by the way, I'm not xn, but have many xn friends, and I have been toi many CU meetings, as well as a Cath soc retreat and churches in the area!)
Hope that was helpful
Cathsoc are the best without question.

I have to say I thought to be a Christian you had to believe that Jesus was the son of God who was resurected on the Third day. But certain members of the CU believe it takes more to be a Christian. I joined CU, and found the friday night meetings SCARY to say the least :ahhhhh:
I really enjoyed the 920 meetings though. It totally got me into reading the Bible in a big way. Also to see SO MANY (there are hundrads) of Christians is AMAZING!! They will usually feed you regually as well (which is aways good when you live on hall food).

But Cathsoc is the best without question!!! Joint the Cathsoc or Christian focus if you are used to a more traditional worship. :biggrin:

My name is Joe,
And I have only one toe!
Cathsoc are the best without question.

I have to say I thought to be a Christian you had to believe that Jesus was the son of God who was resurected on the Third day. But certain members of the CU believe it takes more to be a Christian. I joined CU, and found the friday night meetings SCARY to say the least :ahhhhh:
I really enjoyed the 920 meetings though. It totally got me into reading the Bible in a big way. Also to see SO MANY (there are hundrads) of Christians is AMAZING!! They will usually feed you regually as well (which is aways good when you live on hall food).

But Cathsoc is the best without question!!! Joint the Cathsoc or Christian focus if you are used to a more traditional worship. :biggrin:

My name is Joe,
And I have only one toe!

However, it might make some people fell awkward joining Cath soc if they have more evangelical beliefs. It isn't like choosing between the sailing or the boating club!
However, it might make some people fell awkward joining Cath soc if they have more evangelical beliefs. It isn't like choosing between the sailing or the boating club!

I had never thought of it like that! :smile:
Reply 15
...and yes, G&S soc is the best ever. It has many, many, many, many socials, two or three a week not including bar breaks during and after rehearsal. Come watch us everybody, 15-18 March:

CU took a long time to realise that some of us were just your average middle-of-the-road Anglicans. While I respect them and join in some of their activities, sometimes they can seem a little out of touch.

BTW about those cool hoodies (they really are, I want one), the emails being sent around have stipulated only stewards can wear them to meetings so they don't look like an army. This amuses me.
Reply 16
If CU actively discourage and discriminate against women and homosexuals then they should be banned on campus, that's no different than allowing an openly racist society.
If CU actively discourage and discriminate against women and homosexuals then they should be banned on campus, that's no different than allowing an openly racist society.

But they do not. Someone posted incorrect information.
Reply 18

CU took a long time to realise that some of us were just your average middle-of-the-road Anglicans. While I respect them and join in some of their activities, sometimes they can seem a little out of touch.

what do you mean?
Reply 19
Well, they assumed I was Evangelist and tried to place me in a church that I felt uncomfortable in, because it wasn't how I'd been raised. It was a good church - if it's what you like - but I prefer liturgy to Powerpoint.

To be honest though today's lunch thing totally rocked, it was tres cool. There was a speaker. Even though there was someone there whose question's argument pretty much circled around 'Yes, well, you're assuming God exists.' Er, well, it was CU...