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Reply 1
I can be fairly shy and I'm have a great time at Durham so far, don't worry about it :smile: . As in most universities there is a wide range of people from the very shy to the very outgoing-coming-in-at-4-in-the-morning-singing-Floreat-Castellum-types. :rolleyes: There are plenty of people who I would not class as "outgoing" at that I've met here who seem to be having a great time here and there are plenty of things to be involved in that don't include going out and getting very drunk every night etc if that's not your thing.
Reply 2
You get all sorts, seriously. The extroverts are more noticeable by their very nature, but there's plenty of quiet types too, most people being somewhere between the two. I find that university helps with shyness though, so if people start out underconfident, that generally changes…

I'd advise you to go to an open day, it should give you some impression of the feel of the place. I've found durham to be incredibly friendly, and there really are so many people that you're bound to find some that you feel at home with.

I hope that helps.
Reply 3
I would say that Durham is great for the shy type. The college system really helps you to get to know loads of people and there is so much to do here which isn't just based on drinking/clubbing if that's not your thing.
Reply 4
Are there plenty of shy quiet people at Durham or are most the outgoing types?
I just dont want to go somewhere where I wont fit it so any advice would be great.

Ahh just the person to ask. To be honest, most people are outgoing - and I'm sure you'll find that at any university. The problem for me at Trevs is that all the non-outgoing people I've met aren't my type of people - guess that's the risk you take going to a small college :>.<: You'll get to know lots of different types of people though, so don't worry about the lack of quiet people - you'll fit into the college alright because there will always be people you know. Whether you'll meet people you could honestly call friends... I don't know... I haven't met the right crowd yet and I'm not going to at Trevs now - it's already to cliquey. That's part of the reason I'm off to Butler.
Reply 5
I've actually found less truely "out going" people at Castle than I thought there would be actually, if you see what I mean. Not that most of these people aren't game for going out sometimes either. Remember everyone will be in the same boat when you arrive anyway, and even the "confident" ones find it strange at first.
Reply 6
AATTMM, surely you'll mainly meet freshers next year? Making it a bit weird. Irrespective, I'm incredibly shy and quiet (witness TSR postcount) but I've met some really cool people who I'm great friends with and who I fit in with. It's great!
Reply 7
I'm also really shy (although nobody believes me when i tell them that!!) but i've found quite a lot of people i get on with and talk to almost everyone so can't be doing too badly! there are so many people that you're bound to fit in and have things in common with people - loads of friendship groups i can think of have people who are loud and a bit crazy, quiet people and some in between and work well cos of that - don't get bored and also avoid big clashes of personality! i'm sure you'll find the same whether you end up!
Reply 8
i think also that once you're here and because everyone is new, it's a good time to overcome shyness, sort of re-invent yourself a bit because the atmosphere is so good and everyone is making a big effort to get to know each other.
I'm off to Butler.

Are you actually going to transfer then? Did they let anyone who wanted to? I guess it removes the stresses of finding somewhere to live next year!!! x
Reply 10
And we're just as weird as you are Ali. No offense intended of course:biggrin:

I am fairly shy, but have my extrovert moments when I get in the zone...

I just love being that underdog.
Wherever you go there will always be shy and outgoing whatever you consider yourself as you should be fine and fit in with some people...
Reply 12
Wherever you go there will always be shy and outgoing whatever you consider yourself as you should be fine and fit in with some people...

...just gotta find them! :biggrin:
Reply 13
A true conundrum if you are all shy.

When I got to Durham, I just sat back and tried to be myself, so I didn't end up befriending random desperados who just wanted someone to love them and rather ended up with people who... well, are as close as anyone would ever want to be to being like me. Not very, I would hope!!
Reply 14
You get all sorts, seriously. The extroverts are more noticeable by their very nature, but there's plenty of quiet types too, most people being somewhere between the two. I find that university helps with shyness though, so if people start out underconfident, that generally changes…

I agree with that! I started off quite shy and VERY unconfident and now.......well, Im more confident anyway! :smile:

Honestly, dont worry about being shy, the collegiate system ensures that you feel truly welcome and at home, and you'll meet all sorts of people...those that are similarly shy and those that are more outgoing, which, you never know, make help you to become a little less shy! Being shy isnt a bad thing though, its a lot more attractive than rah-ish arrogance :rolleyes:

The best advice is probably to be yourself....and you'll have a great time! :biggrin:
Reply 15
I'm quite a shy and reserved person. I find it very difficult to socialise and get on with people.... Ha ha ha.
Reply 16
:biggrin: I'm kind of shy, kind of not… depends entirely on the company. Most people could probably claim that though. Most nervous moment probably had to be standing up at first JCR meet to talk about why I should be ecology officer… urrrrgggh *melt into puddle and die*. Not that I had any reason to be worried. :p:

Irrespective, I'm incredibly shy and quiet (witness TSR postcount) but I've met some really cool people who I'm great friends with and who I fit in with. It's great!

You don't come across as shy… but I guess I've only met you when you've been among friends.
Reply 17
I'm quite a shy and reserved person. I find it very difficult to socialise and get on with people.... Ha ha ha.

LOL :rolleyes:
Reply 18
Are you actually going to transfer then? Did they let anyone who wanted to? I guess it removes the stresses of finding somewhere to live next year!!! x

Well... assuming my application is accepted, yes.


AATTMM, surely you'll mainly meet freshers next year?

I e-mailed them about that and they said they've had plenty of interest from current freshers. I'm sure they'll put second years together, but hey - doesn't matter that much if I'm put with people a year younger than me.
Reply 19
You don't come across as shy… but I guess I've only met you when you've been among friends.

I have friends now?