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Reply 1

Well put it this way, i wouldn't say no to having a relationship with a black women (or asian).

But i wouldn't want to marry them, because i wouldn't want mixed race children.

If i was in the situation things might be different, but as things stand thats my view. Sorry for any offence caused.
Reply 2
A mixed race relationship should have zero problems that are due to race. In reality they can have but this is usually due to racist friends or family members. (If you don't think that races should mix then you are a racist. It is an irrational point of view.)

Cross-CULTURAL relationships however tend to be problematic on some level. This usually stems from certain expectations that people have. A cross-cultural relationship requires a lot of openness and a strong ability to compromise from both partners. You must be willing to assimilate some of their culture as they must be yours. Then again it can be very rewarding as you bond on a cross-cultural level and many people welcome a refreshing change in their expectations.


because i wouldn't want mixed race children.
Why not? Could you elaborate? I don't understand this.
Reply 3
Race really isn't an issue as far as I'm concerned. However as already stated if a relationship does face prejudice from racist family members etc this could be seen as a problem but surely if two people care enough about each other then it'll take alot more than ignorant opinions to prevent them being together.
Reply 4
I'd agree. I'm currently in a relationship with a Chinese/Indian girl, and it's by far my best relationship so far. There have been no problems related to race in any way.
I'm not cool enough for black chicks to like me. Maybe there's an Asian girl out there who shares my love for huge freaking robots though
Reply 6
I'm not cool enough for black chicks to like me. Maybe there's an Asian girl out there who shares my love for huge freaking robots though

Haha you don't have to be extra cool for black girls to like you...i'm a black girl and i'd like a dorky non-black guy...but only if he was fit and sexy hehe

but honestly i would date/marry any race, but i feel strongly about my culture and would want my kids to feel strongly connected to it as well, whether or not they are biracial
Reply 7
Edited out because I'm getting negged for something I wrote 5 years ago as a naive 18 year old
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 8
Question is WHY have a mixed race relationship?... What possible advantages can there be?
I don't think I'd ever get involved with someone of a different race, firstly because it is very very rare for me to be attracted to a black man full stop but secondly because I have this thing about not starting a relationship I know could go nowhere, and I have this thing about how I couldn't have black kids cos they wouldn't look like me I wouldn't feel like they were mine :frown: Superficial I guess in a way but I just don't like the idea of that distance... even if mixed-race kids are cute hehe

hmm...interesting that you only address black men and black kids...not asian/chinese/ clearly you just don't want to date black men
Reply 10
shady lane
hmm...interesting that you only address black men and black kids...not asian/chinese/ clearly you just don't want to date black men

I guess that is her personal preference....
Reply 11
Question is WHY have a mixed race relationship?... What possible advantages can there be?

Because you find the other person attractive? Crazy, I know
Reply 12
Because you find the other person attractive? Crazy, I know

Well if that is the case then fair enough but you will be faced with difficulties compared to same race relationship... but I see no reason why to actively seek out one or to tell people to have one.
Reply 13
Question is WHY have a mixed race relationship?... What possible advantages can there be?

Well its not that there are advantages, you could just happen to be in love. I dont think there are many people who go out looking to be in mixed relationships for the sake of it...(unless you're strongly attracted to a certain race)

I'm in a mixed race relationship and its working out fine. There are times when you have to explain cultural differences but that just makes it more interesting. And he likes that I'm brown :p:
Reply 14
I don't think I'd ever get involved with someone of a different race, firstly because it is very very rare for me to be attracted to a black man full stop but secondly because I have this thing about not starting a relationship I know could go nowhere, and I have this thing about how I couldn't have black kids cos they wouldn't look like me I wouldn't feel like they were mine :frown: Superficial I guess in a way but I just don't like the idea of that distance... even if mixed-race kids are cute hehe

A little bit gutting to hear, for those of us who are in fact mixed-race. My mum is white and I look absolutely nothing like her - literally, there is no resemblance at all. But I would just like to say that you don't love a child because he/she looks like you or is created in your image. You love your child because he/she is yours and because the love of a mother should be unconditional. But you have a point - I often wish I looked like my mum, just so people could see that she's my mum. But family is about more than that.

Whether I marry a black, white or asian man, my children will probably look like a different race to me. But they'll still be mine. Mixed race relationships can and do work - it can be hard, but people make it work because they feel its right.
Reply 15
Well if that is the case then fair enough but you will be faced with difficulties compared to same race relationship... but I see no reason why to actively seek out one or to tell people to have one.

But in an increasingly liberal society such 'difficulties' will not be such major obstacles as they may have been half a dozen decades ago or so. Also it's not as if people 'seek out' relationships with people by making checklists of attributes... you can't help who you fall for.
Haha you don't have to be extra cool for black girls to like you...i'm a black girl and i'd like a dorky non-black guy...but only if he was fit and sexy hehe

but honestly i would date/marry any race, but i feel strongly about my culture and would want my kids to feel strongly connected to it as well, whether or not they are biracial
Score! But do you like huge freaking robots?
Reply 17
I don't think I'd ever get involved with someone of a different race, firstly because it is very very rare for me to be attracted to a black man full stop but secondly because I have this thing about not starting a relationship I know could go nowhere, and I have this thing about how I couldn't have black kids cos they wouldn't look like me I wouldn't feel like they were mine :frown: Superficial I guess in a way but I just don't like the idea of that distance... even if mixed-race kids are cute hehe

Understatement of the year.

Surely the fact that you gave birth to your kids would be enough to 'convince' you that they are infact yours.
Reply 18
Well if that is the case then fair enough but you will be faced with difficulties compared to same race relationship... but I see no reason why to actively seek out one or to tell people to have one.

Yeah, but that's not why people have a relationship of any sort I would hope. It doesn't sound like a great idea to go out with a little checklist to select your partner.
There's no reason not to have one, really, unless you actually, seriously think it's watering the white bloodline and makes you a race traitor :rolleyes:
"I'd like to adopt a neglected infant. Not a black one though, it wouldn't look like me."