The Student Room Group

Feeling Sad A Lot

This last couple of months, I've found that my hormones have been all over the place & for a couple of days a month I feel like proper ****. I just cry for no reason & I feel like my life is falling around me. I never used to feel like this at all. There have been issues that maybe have made me feel upset, but then I've had issues in the past. I just don't understand why I'm suddenly feeling so emotional all of a sudden. Grrrr, it's annoying!! I also get in really bad moods & find any little thing to argue with. I get really depressed. Is there any way of stopping this at all or do I just have to learn to live with it?

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Reply 1
Chocolate :P

No, seriously, if you're genuinely concerned that there's something wrong, try talking to a councellor, or even to you GP. I felt similar to you, and I was diagnosed with depression last November. I just thought I was moody!

Councelling didn't work for me, so I tried the anti-depressants, and while they made me happy, I didn't like being on them, and literally forced myself to get better and come off them.

I know it sucks feeling like pooh for no reason, and unless people have felt it themselves they don't understand it. My mom used to just tell me to cheer up, and used to get quite angry with me.

If you need someone to talk to, you can always PM me. Not great with solutions, but I can be a listening point if you like?

I hope things get better for you hun

'Seasonal Affective Disorder'?

im not suggesting that this is the only reason, but it might be possible contributary factor?
Reply 3
Many things can contribute to this i know cos for 4 years of my life i was xactly the same but it actually lasted 4 years.
i couldn't do anything but by year 4 i had been told that i had to have counselling.
After a while i tried going out with friends but i made excuses so i wouldn't have to go out. At one point i tried killing myself but eventually i got help from my friends and they encouraged me to come out.
what you should aim to do is to go out and do things you want to do and enjoy yourself doing it... Just make sure you do it because you don't want to be like me! (being like me is a bad way in this example)
Reply 4
For ****s sake pull yourself together women, jeez, take a chill pill
Reply 5
How's your sex life going?
Reply 6
How's your sex life going?

Yes it's excellent thank you, so it's not that.

For ****s sake pull yourself together women, jeez, take a chill pill

A bit cowardly that you posted that anonymous don't you think?! Oh, & thanks for the advice! I don't think I will take it though.....

I'm feeling okay again today as I've got over those crap few days. I will see how I feel..... there seems to be a connection though because this last couple of months I've had really heavy periods. Sometimes I can't even stand up without feeling faint & I'm so ill I can't get out of bed. Could this be connected possibly.....?
Dramatic Star
This last couple of months, I've found that my hormones have been all over the place & for a couple of days a month I feel like proper ****. I just cry for no reason & I feel like my life is falling around me. I never used to feel like this at all. There have been issues that maybe have made me feel upset, but then I've had issues in the past. I just don't understand why I'm suddenly feeling so emotional all of a sudden. Grrrr, it's annoying!! I also get in really bad moods & find any little thing to argue with. I get really depressed. Is there any way of stopping this at all or do I just have to learn to live with it?

*Offers hug!*
Reply 8
I had that recently... I just felt depressed for no real reason. Of course I did have some problems, but nothing worse than normal. It seems to have improved, though, I'm much happier now... I just gave myself time to think and put things into perspective and it's all good. Hope things improve for you. :smile:
For ****s sake pull yourself together women, jeez, take a chill pill

you are such an insensitive coward. how can you be so cold. :frown:
Reply 10
I feel exactly the same, nothing seems to be going right for me at the moment and everything is falling apart. I was worse before the holiday and would literally go home, cry, sleep, and feel useless and pathetic. For some reason i feel better, but now that schools started im just waiting for myself to snap again. All in all a feel your pain. Just dont bum around like i did, and least do one useful thing a day to stop you feeling pathetic like me.
Reply 11
Are you on the pill? If yes, it could be that as they affect your hormone balance. Mebbe you need to change to another one :smile:
For ****s sake pull yourself together women, jeez, take a chill pill
grow some balls and dont post anonymously if you're going to be like that

to the OP, depression can kind of strike you at anytime. you get moody, feel down, but don't understand why, or don't feel "worthy" of being that way. might be worth a chat with you GP to see what they think etc
Thank you for your advice everyone [except anonymous..... arse!]. I'm gonna probs go and see my GP & find out what he says.

& no sunday, I'm not on the pill.
Reply 14
Any appetite loss, weight loss, sleep problems >?!
Reply 15
Not meaning to scare you, but could you possibly be pregnant?


Cheer up... :smile:
I don't think I am.... I still am having periods and stuff.... although I'm a little late this month- prob due to stress.
Reply 18
i know exactly what you mean
this has been going on and off with me for the last 3 years probably
i just get really depressed really easily especially around period time but the mood can sometimes go on for months on end
i can actually feel a proper change in moods
ive thought many times i should probably go to the GP and try to get something sorted but if its just hormones then am i making a fuss out of nothing and don't want to bother anybody and also how on earth would you phrase a conversation with the GP i already feel like i'm wasting their time if i go about something like hayfever problems
Reply 19
i was feeling so crap during the christmas holidays.. i really did just want to curl up int a ball and die.. all i can say is things will get better... trust me. i feel a thousand times better now than i did.. just sit tight, and time will heal everything.

just read the above post..3 years?! maybe you should go to your gp.. they are there to be bothered. :smile: