The Student Room Group
Best way is to take a taxi! there is a taxi rank just outside the main station. just ask to go to the vet school and they will take you. I think it costs about 5 pounds, not that bad, taxis in Glasgow are relatively good value!
good luck!
Reply 2
£5...twice the price of the flight from London then :wink:

Am I right in thinking you can catch bus 51 from near central station? If so, where do you get off?
Reply 3
Hey!! Bets way to get from glasgow Central if ur taking the bus is getting the number 66 which goes to annisland cross, its still quite a walk from there thou!! im nt sure if the 51 goes straight up there but its nt a very common bus in my experience

Good luck in ur interview!!!!!
£5...twice the price of the flight from London then :wink:

Am I right in thinking you can catch bus 51 from near central station? If so, where do you get off?

The 51 does go right past the vet school yeh, but its pretty much the most unreliable bus in Glasgow. As for where to get off... its pretty hard to explain unless you know the area. Youll go along a really long straight road for about 10 minutes then all of a sudden turn right. you should get off 3rd stop after turning right. you could also try asking the driver to let you know when you are at Ilay Avenue (and get off there). other options are as mentioned 66, 20 and 59 to anniesland cross or the train to anniesland! its about 15-20 minute walk if you chose these ways. Taxi would probably be closer to £10, but its worth it if your still unsure of where to get off buses etc. :smile:
Reply 5
The 51 does go right past the vet school yeh, but its pretty much the most unreliable bus in Glasgow.

So I discovered.... :redface: lol. I had to take a taxi there in the end cos the 51 never turned up... although I think it might have been partly the unis fault for saying it stopped in Hope Street, which it only actually seems to do 3 times a day, and all between 3-4! Ah well...

It was easy getting back on the 51 at least.

Thanks to everyone for the advice! :smile: