The Student Room Group

Accepting CUKAS/UCAS Offers

My friend has applied to music courses through both CUKAS and UCAS, and has had offers through both of them. Can she accept a firm and insurance choice from both UCAS and CUKAS? My initial reaction was that she could only accept one firm offer and one insurance offer, but she thinks she can have a firm on both CUKAS and UCAS and an insurance on both.

Does anyone know the answerto this? I've tried both the websites but they're pretty useless to be honest.
Reply 1
I had a quick search and found this on CUKAS:

However, at the end of the application cycle in September we will check to ensure that you have not accepted places on one course through CUKAS and another through UCAS. If you have, you will be requested to release one place.


Hope that helps.
Thanks for finding that! Yeah I think that clears everything up.
Reply 3
No problem, glad to help
Reply 4
I know this off topic, but what is CUKAS??
Reply 5
thanks, I'd never heard of Conservatoires before :p: