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Reply 1
Do you mean how do you know your in love? or do you mean how do you know you've found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with?
Reply 2
How do you know when you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Eeek, I made it unclear!
Reply 3
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you're their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm em

I love that bit and basically that's how you should feel IMHO.
I know I am in love when...

I think of him the first thing when i wake up
I get all excited when he calls me/ texts me
I am conscious of every little gesture of his
I want to get close to him

It's a nice feeling to be loved and to love...
Reply 5
I gush when she smiles at me
I laugh when she smiles so radiantly
I cry when she cries
I think of her all the time
I'm tormented when I dont see her
I get all gooey just thinking about her

I love her
Reply 6
Thats like trying to explain Love itself.

You just.......know. If you look in your heart, you will know.

(I relise that sounds corney, but it had to be said)
I gush when she smiles at me
I laugh when she smiles so radiantly
I cry when she cries
I think of her all the time
I'm tormented when I dont see her
I get all gooey just thinking about her

I love her

agreed xx
Reply 8
Just because you love somebody dosent mean they are the one for you :rolleyes:

Love is giving somebody the power to destroy you and trusting them not to.
Some of these posts have been sickening :biggrin:

I'm not sure whether i have ever been in 'love' - i probably haven't, just a monumental crush...i don't think you have to always be in a relationship, to be in love with someone mind you.
i agree the concept who mentioned i'm been with my bf for 3 years.
we live together and love each other,we get along well.
i make him up if he is sad.i think that the most important thing for us is meet
the challenge or chance from life.
i could say the feelings of date is go good.

I'm not sure whether i have ever been in 'love' - i probably haven't, just a monumental crush...i don't think you have to always be in a relationship, to be in love with someone mind you.

ermm.. i dunno.. perhaps you dont have to be in a relationship... i think i loved my boyfriend before we were going out.. but saying that we were practically going out before we were going out... :confused: hmm i dunno..
Reply 12
I'm gonna stick to the immortal line - "if you need to ask, then it's not". You just know.
Have you ever loved someone so much, you'd give an arm for?
Not the expression, no, literally give an arm for?
When they know they're your heart
And you know you're their armour
And you will destroy anyone who would try to harm em

Isn't that Eminem?


Oh god, it is. How sickening.
my answer is.. just "know". :smile:
My answer is... might think you do, but you don't...
I agree. If you need to question your love then it isn't there.

(you might want a sick bucket, lol!) It's just what everyone has said. If you think about him all the time & get a warm feeling then it's love. If you can invisage spending forever together, it's love.
So sure you dont need to post on a forum :smile:
/smartarse off
Reply 18
I think I've found love recently. I thought I was in love before but it just wasn't the same as what I have now. My flimsy and incomplete ideas are:

'In love'/infatuation - can think of NOTHING but that person, high heart rate, dry mouth, stomach churning (not even in a nice way sometimes!), irresistible urge to flirt with the person, irresistible urge to touch or make contact in some way, unfailingly turned on when in their presence, never wanting to be apart.

I’ve experienced being “in love” and it was just so physical! I think the effect is so strong that by the time is starts to wear off you’re drawn to each other for different reasons.

love: I don't think we can ever know. I used to think I was in love, but I wasn't. Now I think I know what it is or at least more of what it is.

Being totally comfortable with the other person and knowing they're comfortable with you.

Being able to completely empathise with them and vice versa.

To be able to predict them most of the time.

Never wanting to upset them and wanting to protect them from being hurt.

Wanting to look after and care for them (not mothering!).

Able to give something to them without wanting something in return.

You always want to involve them in your decisions and want to be involved in theirs (not in a pushy way).

Most of all I think love is: never wishing they’re different to how they are.

I'm still feeling the butterflies, still incredibly excited and filled with anticipation when I know I'm going to see him (I know I'm in a LDR but I get like it even if we're together for a week and one of us has had to go out for a while). I think I'm in the happiest place at the moment - able to function day-to-day, but not given up on bothering with the relationship (i.e. comfortable in a bad way).

I’ve always thought this was very accurate and it can apply to platonic love as well as sexual love:

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.
Love is such an amazing thing. It makes us so vulnerable. It changes me. It turns me to someone I don't recognize. There are times when I look back and I would kick myself for doing that something!

I want to love yet so terrified. He only told me he likes me 9 months back, he probably has forgotten about it by now. So terrified that if he stops telling me the magic words, it means he no longer wants to pursue any romantic r/s with me. So terrified that he is still in the " I can't commit to you" cave.

I am terrified of pouring out my love to him only to have it returned with words like " I am sorry. I don't want to hurt you. I don't want to give you false hopes."

It is a great thing to love and be loved in return.
It is terrible when you love but not loved in return.