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Being totally comfortable with the other person and knowing they're comfortable with you.
Being able to completely empathise with them and vice versa.
To be able to predict them most of the time.
Never wanting to upset them and wanting to protect them from being hurt.
Wanting to look after and care for them (not mothering!).
Able to give something to them without wanting something in return.
You always want to involve them in your decisions and want to be involved in theirs (not in a pushy way).
Most of all I think love is: never wishing they’re different to how they are.
Last reply 6 days ago
Engineering vs. Medicine: Stuck Between Dreams and ExpectationsLast reply 1 week ago
heyyy , im new heree and im willing to have some friends xxxLast reply 2 weeks ago
Im 16 and never had a gf and it doesnt feel ok.