The Student Room Group

Tampon size?

Righto. Well you know how on tampon packets it says 'always use tampons with the lowest absorbancy you need' well my periods are SO unpredictable, sometimes they're really heavy, sometimes there's hardly anything there. I get really worried because on the first day of my period I'll wear a super tampon (the green one) cos that's usually my heaviest day, but the other day when I got my period i left the tampon in for 6 or 7 hours, and when I took it out it was nearly all still white! But other times I'll need to change the super tampon after 3 or 4 hours cos it gets saturated!

I'm really worried cos I hate wearing pads as I find them really uncomfortable, but I don't want to put myself at any risk from wearing tampons that are too high in absorbancy levels.

Can anyone help me?
i just use "normal" and change every few hours.
i don't think you're putting yourself at risk at all.

or, if you're quite heavy at the start, wear a tampon and a light panty liner to prevent any staining.

you have to leave a tampon in quite a long time to risk TSS.
As long as you change regularly you shouldn't have that many problems if you use a normal size, as you will soon know if you need to change the size!
Reply 3
I am exactly the same and have the same worry as you. I tend to start off with a normal one and see how it goes, but it depends whether I'm about to go out or am just staying in working or something - it can be a bit inconvenient! If you use a super one when you don't need it the odd time it's very unlikely anything will happen, as long as you remember to remove it after max. 7 or 8 hours.

Reply 4
Just use the normal ones. It doesn't matter if it's still white after 6 hours, just wear one of those thin pads afterwards and no tampon.
In fact, always use one of those pads (I don't know what you guys call them) when you're on, 'cos if it's heavy you might get some blood out anyway.

It usually starts light (first few hours), then gets heavy (esp. on the second day) and then light again after day 3.