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Boots application process

Hey I was wondering what are the stages of application for a job as a customer assistant, as I passed the first stage and had to do an online assessment and I passed that! Now I have an in-store assessment so is this basically the interview or will I have to have an interview if I pass this stage?

Also what is the pay for a 16 year old and I will be working Saturday and Sunday?

As well as this do we get given a uniform for free?

Also what am I expected to do at the assessment?

Thanks :biggrin:

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Reply 1
The instore assessment is the last stage. The person who took the interview with me said it was a points based interview, you basically get scored on how well you do in particular tasks.

My assessment was:
- Hand out baskets to customers (Smile)
- Hand out advantage cards (Do some research 4 points for every pound spend)
- Find the cheapest paracetamol - its 16p in a red box
-Pack bags - I didnt have to do this as the store was very quite.

And one or two questions on why you want the job.

It was really simple, just be confident.
I got the job, really excited to start.
Any questions just message me :smile:
Good luck!
Congrats on passing and best of luck with your interview!

How did you pass the online assessment I've failed it then got an email saying I couldnt apply at any more boots stores because I failed :/

Reply 3
had my interview yesterday, i was told i'lll get told if i get selected or if i dont, hope they stick to their promises, any of you heard back?, if you do please update, :smile: thanks
Reply 4
Original post by MrsJaredLeto
Congrats on passing and best of luck with your interview!

How did you pass the online assessment I've failed it then got an email saying I couldnt apply at any more boots stores because I failed :/


Hey, well I just put all the customer orientated things for the most likely then for the least likely the thing that didn't help the customer. Then for the personality bit, for each pair choose the one which would be good for working with customers (confident, happy, like meeting new people etc..), if there isn't one like this say you like learning things! Good luck :smile:

EDIT: I don't think you can reapply for ages if you've failed it :/
(edited 13 years ago)
Reply 5
hiya, i was wondering if yo could help me with the colleague questionnaire because i have failed a different job application and i have just gotten past the first stage and dont want to fail again as i really need this job. Pleassee reply
Their application process is ridiculous!, was ever so long and tedious. I didn't get the job in the end, but i remember i googled what their interview process was about which helped, and also researched alittle bit about the company. I found a job at the o2 store though, so everything works out in the end :biggrin: goodluck
Reply 7
How did you get a job in the 02 store like how do you apply and is it hard ?
Original post by Catiexx
Hey I was wondering what are the stages of application for a job as a customer assistant, as I passed the first stage and had to do an online assessment and I passed that! Now I have an in-store assessment so is this basically the interview or will I have to have an interview if I pass this stage?

Also what is the pay for a 16 year old and I will be working Saturday and Sunday?

As well as this do we get given a uniform for free?

Also what am I expected to do at the assessment?

Thanks :biggrin:

Hi, just wondering, how long did it take for them to reply after you filled out the questionnaire?? I recently applied so yeah :smile:
Reply 9
Boots' application is just stupidly longwinded. I've applied several times and to no avail, but I was always asked to do the 40-question assessment! I thought I was in with a good chance as I did my work experience there too.
I think it's because I'm only 16 though, they seem to be one of the companies who seem to be ageist without actually saying they are
Congrats though! You're clearly doing something right!
I got a job in Smiths though, so I wasn't left jobless:wink:
hey guys..erm, just thought I'd ask something seeing as this post/thread relates.
I went into Boots on Thursday to ask about weekend/saturday jobs and the woman at the till said to go online and apply for the Xmas jobs, which I did..
First of all, I had to enter details about myself (I did this Thursday afternoon, 1 hour after I got home). Then last night (Friday) I had to do a Colleague Questionarre because they liked my application form or whatever.. is this the colleague questionarre round2 of the application stage or not? ..ive never applied for a job before.
So its a day after applying for the colleague part now.. when will i know stage3 or dont they tell you if you're not successful?! Im impatient and REALLY want the job!
Thankyou for any replies!ox
Reply 11
Hiya I was wondering if u could give me some advice for the online assessment?
Hey guys basically I had the instore interview last week and got offered a customer assistant sunday job on the spot so feel free to ask for any advice :smile: ok so basically for the online thing try to think as a customer and how you would want to be treated, a couple of questions I remember have some stupid answers like stalking the customer round the store (deffo dont pick that!) urm one about not knowing how to do something so you'd ask a colleague over to take over and watch them stuff like that also with the personality thing at the end DO NOT change your answers each time it's worded different- they're repeated for a reason! ooh and lastly they don't want you to pick things like always giving new ideas they want you to oblige to their way of doing things :P
Hi :smile:

I've just had an email to do the online assessment. Does it mean that they like my application, or does everyone get them? Also, apx how many people will get this online application for one vacancy? And (assuming I pass the online test!), will I be guaranteed an interview?

Thanks in advance :smile:
well basically if you meet the requirements of the job (like times and stuff) you'll prob get the email to do the assessment unless they have a proper overload for the particular job :smile:
Hmm I'm not sure how many get to do it -prob quite a lot because it's after this when many don't get to the next stage so make sure to do it to your best! And yeah aslong as you show the qualities they're looking for then you'll stand a pretty good chance (if you pass the assessment you'll get an email saying your applications been sent to the interviewer for further consideration then you'll get a call if they want you!)
Original post by Justadreamer141
well basically if you meet the requirements of the job (like times and stuff) you'll prob get the email to do the assessment unless they have a proper overload for the particular job :smile:
Hmm I'm not sure how many get to do it -prob quite a lot because it's after this when many don't get to the next stage so make sure to do it to your best! And yeah aslong as you show the qualities they're looking for then you'll stand a pretty good chance (if you pass the assessment you'll get an email saying your applications been sent to the interviewer for further consideration then you'll get a call if they want you!)

Thanks :smile: The email said they were giving people 14 days to complete it, so I'm assuming that I won't hear anything until at least then. If you fail it, will they let you know straight away? Will they even reply?

I did a similar online test for KFC, and failed :colondollar: They sent an email literally a nanosecond after I clicked submit, and I though it would be like 'Thank you for taking your time to apply to KFC. We will review your application'. It actually said, 'Thank you for applying. Unfortunately you have been unsuccessful'. I found it quite funny but kinda hurtful! x
np :biggrin: and noooo not at all they only took 1 or 2 days to get back to me about being successful (they're pretty quick which is good as I'm quite impatient!) Yeah apparently they reply if you fail too the email before you open it says 'confidential' if you fail or 'application update' if you pass-something like that anyway! Omg I know what you mean I done 3 of the online tests for sainsburys 1 for waitrose and 1 for debenhams-failed them all! :L
(edited 11 years ago)
Original post by Justadreamer141
np :biggrin: and noooo not at all they only took 1 or 2 days to get back to me about being successful (they're pretty quick which is good as I'm quite impatient!) Yeah apparently they reply if you fail too the email before you open it says 'confidential' if you fail or 'application update' if you pass-something like that anyway! Omg I know what you mean I done 3 of the online tests for sainsburys 1 for waitrose and 1 for debenhams-failed them all! :L

Haha, well I've just had an email today telling me I failed! To be fair, I thought the online test was fairly hard - much harder than Asda's or Kfc's. Although I'm banned to apply to boots for the next 15 months, which makes me feel kinda like a criminal! The email didn't come straight away (like Kfc, which was obviously automatically generated) so I'd like to think (and maybe it is hopeful thinking!) that my actual CV and past employment let me down when a person looked at it - rather than my personality on the test! It would be my first retail job, so...
aw no!!! :O Idk I found it easier than some but there were some questions I was just like what do I even put :s-smilie:! omg that sucks though haha but 15 months thats pretty harsh! Are you gonna try for somewhere else then-I think sainsburys one was the worst every question was so hard -.-
Original post by Justadreamer141
aw no!!! :O Idk I found it easier than some but there were some questions I was just like what do I even put :s-smilie:! omg that sucks though haha but 15 months thats pretty harsh! Are you gonna try for somewhere else then-I think sainsburys one was the worst every question was so hard -.-

Haha, I'm alright with it really. Yeah, I'm applying everywhere, so I only need one to like me! Aha, Sainbury's is next on my list, so I'll have to watch out for it! :smile:

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