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Did you ask her to go to the cinema or the other way round?
she asked me
Reply 3
If you asked her and she accepted this time, it seems likely to me that she's had a bit of a change of heart. If she asked you and you accepted, equally so and possibly more. If I were you I'd treat this as a date but go easy on the flirting and so on. Make it obvious that you like her but don't come on too strong.
Reply 4
yes its a date
yeah its a date, sounds like she's had a change of heart!
Reply 6
Does sound like shes changed her mind.

By the way threadstarter, you have an awesome screenname.
thanks for the compliment on the screen name, urs is cool too
OK, its a date then. I now have the problem of moving the relationship on. like i said I asked her out but she rejected me, but it was more wrong time cos she just got out of a f***** up relationship. how do i now let her know that i want the relationship to move forward without the whole asking her out thing again?
Reply 9
Just take it slowly. Obviously, seeing as she asked you out (Y) shes more open to progressing it and all that, so just see what she is upto first.
ok cheers, i'm asking for the advice cos i'm rubbish at relationships, I take things too slow and then they end cos it feels like nothings changed
Reply 11
OK, its a date then. I now have the problem of moving the relationship on. like i said I asked her out but she rejected me, but it was more wrong time cos she just got out of a f***** up relationship. how do i now let her know that i want the relationship to move forward without the whole asking her out thing again?

she knows you like her. you asked her out. she said no. now she flirts with you and asks YOU out. she def is up for dating and changed her mind. go to thie film with her, flirt alot and if she responds, then ask how things are btw you
Reply 12
OK, its a date then. I now have the problem of moving the relationship on. like i said I asked her out but she rejected me, but it was more wrong time cos she just got out of a f***** up relationship. how do i now let her know that i want the relationship to move forward without the whole asking her out thing again?

How ironic.

(Don't ask.)
Reply 13
You see maybe she's the kind of girl that dosnt like the 'let's go out' kinda thing...dont know if im making myself clear. Some girls dont like to spell out things because it freaks them out so you just gotta kiss her or something, just to test. if she went to the cinema alone with you she wants you....girls dont just go out with guys if they are not really good friends.
How ironic.

(Don't ask.)

Eh, I'm confused :confused:
Reply 15
dont worry!

if she knows you are interested, and she has chosen to go to the cinema with you and you alone, its a date.

btw, as a first date, i like to talk. if you go to see a film, what makes it a date ? i think you'd be better off going for a drink
Reply 16
Take it slow, go on this 'date' and see what happens. Don't try and plan.
Reply 17
Give her a kiss if not on the date at the end and ask her if she had a good time etc. If you get in there ask her propely if she wants to go out with you, the best thing to do is lay it on the line, just you two there its like a proper date so try your best to make sure she has a good time and tell her you enjoy being with her etc. Just go for it if you get rejected try not to take it so badly, its not the end of the world. Good luck.
girs do change their minds, seriously. He asked me out repeatedly and I rejected him. Now, I can't wait to see him or hear from him! We girls do change our minds.

Don't be surprised if she had a drastic change in her attitude towards you.

I like my guy to plan on what to do during the date. It shows that he knows what he is doing and the date matters to him.

In any case, beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. .
Well, seeing as though she asked you out this time maybe you should just follow her lead? Don't try and plans things beforehand, just be yourself with her and go with the flow (I know it's easier said than done however!). Good luck! :smile: