The Student Room Group

Sleep Walking and Talking

Hey guys,
All my life I have slept talked (almost every single night), and whilst I have always known that I move around in my sleep whilst in my bed (eg. throw the covers off me, sit up, move my pillow to the other end of the bed etc), it has been brought to my attention in the last year that I have been sleepwalking. Some of my friends have seen me do it, as well as my boyfriend, and this has all been spread out over the last year/18 months. We're talking walking quite a considerable distance, through doors, into different rooms, even pouring myself a drink, and mumbling to myself whilst doing it!
Is sleepwalking a bad thing? SHould I be concerned? I'm not worried or anxious about anything, it just seems to be a part of my normal sleeping routine. Is a visit to the doctors in order?
Anybody else routinely sleep walk or talk?
AFAIK it's not especially dangerous, but it's not good for you either if your sleep's being disturbed. You should probably take precautions to make sure you can't hurt yourself by wandering out of the house and so on, but if you don't mind it too much then there's no real need to worry, could be good to get it checked out though.
Reply 2
I once unlocked the door and stepped out.Weird days.

Make sure you hide your keys, and do something before bed to make your body sufficiently tired.

It'll be ok:smile:
Reply 3
I sleep walk occasionally and i only know this because i get up with drinks next to my bed, i bring water with me to bed - yet i still wake up and get a glass of water. Sometimes i go for a piss and slash all over my feet and it wakes me up lol. I think it runs in the family though because when we were on holiday in south africa my dad found my mum in a phone box:smile:. I sleep talk sometimes aswell, but i grind my teeth more often which keeps everybody in my house awake quite alot, the annoying thing is that when i sleep talk (mumble) occasionally i wake myself up. While i was on holiday i apparently had full conversations with my friend next to me, but i kept calling him Richard i think?
Reply 4
i used to wonder downstairs and set the house alarm off... hehe.
I sleepwalk sometimes.I generally go downstairs to get a drink and wake up cup in hand.

The other night I woke up to find myself walking upstairs with a piece of Christmas cake icing in my hand!!!

I don't think it's anything to worry about as long as you don't get hurt-keep all windows locked at night and the keys hidden etc.
Reply 6
lol this thread is so creepy!! One question, how can you make yourself a drink if your asleep? I mean how can you see/co-ordinate your actions?? :s
Reply 7
Subconscious does it?
Reply 8
But surely your subconscience can't produce an accurate enough nerve impulse from the motor area of the brain without an image to go off. Are you sure your mates arent just having you on?
No, I'm sure. I have woken up with the drink besides my bed, I have also woken up in the kitchen, and also woken up in my sleeping bag with grass all over my feet where I've walked around outside (and unlocked the door to get out - luckily it wasn't a lock which locks as soon as you shut the door).
It is weird though! I don't understand it either.
Tim Kabel
But surely your subconscience can't produce an accurate enough nerve impulse from the motor area of the brain without an image to go off. Are you sure your mates arent just having you on?

Subconscious is more powerful than you realise...
Reply 11
I don't think there's a medical problem with it....i don't do it anymore but i used to and i hated the idea of people knowing what was in my head and me not being able to control what i say!!!
I seem to talk in my sleep...wondering what about tho? lol
I once watched a program where a woman had been dieting really strictly for years and she hadn't lost any weight. Puzzled, she wondered how she was keeping the weight on. Turned out that at night she has been sleepwalking and raiding the cupboards downstairs and stuffed her face! How annoying would that be.
Reply 14
That woman is the most stupid person ever. What did she think was happening to the food when her cupboards were bare?
Reply 15
i used to sleep walk and sleep talk quite a lot. i dont think i sleep walk anymore - when i was about 7 i got a bunkbed and i just got rid of it (im 18) so i think the bunkbed stopped the sleep walking. however, i still sleep talk and i think i do weird things in the night. like i wake up in different places to where i went to sleep and i wake up with bruises everywhere. ive often considered recording myself whilst im asleep to see what i do, out of curiosity. it probably wouldnt work though.

do you sleep walk at uni? - that must be scary

i dont know wether u need to get it checked out or not. i dont really know much about that kinda thing. if your worried about it though then perhaps see your doctor

em xxxx
Reply 16
I once watched a program where a woman had been dieting really strictly for years and she hadn't lost any weight. Puzzled, she wondered how she was keeping the weight on. Turned out that at night she has been sleepwalking and raiding the cupboards downstairs and stuffed her face! How annoying would that be.

haha thats the funniest thing ever. Why didn't she just stop buying so much crappy food to sleep munch on?
I sleeptalk.... apparently once my mother heard me say something embarrasing which was so random and specific i know it's true :s-smilie: luckily I don't think I've said anything too incriminating.. yet...

I wouldn't worry, but maybe if you have any secrets you don't want to share taping your mouth up before you sleep if you're near other people is a good idea :p:
Reply 18
I wear lenses and can't see much without them, so waking up on someone's lawn, and being unable to see where I was, or know how the hell I got there, was pretty scary!

I guess, if you hide your keys and make sure your windows are locked, it's not dangerous.
Reply 19
Surely if you hide your keys you'll remeber where you put them and just go get t hem?