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Reply 1
Its DEFINITELY not needed, for any vet school.
It wouldn't really be helpful, though I did latin and greek GCSE and its interesting finding links beween words used now in veterinary and medicine and their latin origins
eg homeostasis
anabolic steroids
katabolic steroids etc
too tires to think of anymore with chemistry resists tomorrow,lol
But no its not really useful either in any important way cos if it was more people would do the classics but they are actually dying out in schools :frown: :frown: (only 200 people did A2 greek this year in the whole country)
But if you find it interesting and fun your more likely to get a good grade cos you'll work harder and that will look good for vet school so go for it lol
I loved doing the classics n really miss them now
Reply 2
It is definitely not needed. I think it is helpful to do Latin regardless of what subjects you want to do at uni, since learning Latin helps you think more logically.
I think its a little helpful, like has been said before, if you enjoy it thenn do it. There are terms that come from latin which translate as a literal meaning, so knowing latin will probably get you about 1 mark in every anatomy exam you sit!
Reply 4
I did higher latin ( a few years back now) and loved it, have found it helpful to soem extent in research as many scientific words/ expressions are derived from the latin (or just straight latin). It's a subject not taught extensively now, and anything that makes you stand out a bit from the next applicant is a good thing! If you like it, go for it, (as long as you can still do all the science)
Reply 5
latin is quite possibly the best subject in the entire world. it probably won't make you a better vet in practice, but it will enrich your life with the great happiness.
I'm choosing my GCSEs at the moment and i was wondering if Latin is needed or helpful for veterinary medicine. Do you think it would be an advantage for me to take it at GCSE?

I would appreciate your replies!

Lol no not at all
Reply 7
Take it up. I did Latin in middle school (private)... enjoyed it.
Reply 8
Does the course still have a large element of Roman Life, or is it all set texts and unseens now?
Reply 9
I have Greek as an exam subject, but it's just for the fun, I think you'll only recognize some terms but nothing more. But it isn't really popular in the Netherlands as well (only 3 took it in my year).
Reply 10
Does the course still have a large element of Roman Life, or is it all set texts and unseens now?

It was 10% when i did GCSE, but on some syllabuses theres none at all, i think cos you can do classical civilisation instead or ancient history
If you think you'd enjoy it then do it. To be honest it dosn't really matter what options you pick at GCSE as long as you've got all the core ones (maths, science, english ets). It's only when you get to A level that it becomes a bit more critical!

BTW I chose art graphics and child development for my options at GCSE, which are not really relevant to becoming a vet at all (although i can draw a very nice seahorse, which is an animal, and vets treat animals, see where i'm going.....? ) :rolleyes:
I dont think it really makes a difference, it is the grades that matter at GCSE more than the subjects (as long as they are fairly decent)

However, I took Latin GCSE and at one of my interviews for Medicine they started asking how i thought it could help me in later life and my career and what I thought the Romans had done for us.
Reply 13
Yes do it, its useful to help you learn latinate names in anatomy, you can swank over your mates and its easy and fun and an unusual cv addition-

long live Grumio and Caecilius Iucundus.
Reply 14
fairy princess
If you think you'd enjoy it then do it. To be honest it dosn't really matter what options you pick at GCSE as long as you've got all the core ones (maths, science, english ets). It's only when you get to A level that it becomes a bit more critical!

BTW I chose art graphics and child development for my options at GCSE, which are not really relevant to becoming a vet at all (although i can draw a very nice seahorse, which is an animal, and vets treat animals, see where i'm going.....? ) :rolleyes:

LOL, wonder how many sea horses the average vet's treated... :p: !

I wish our school did Latin it sounds good!! Its not essential to do Latin but I think (don't quote me) that a language at GCSE is important to most red brick unis, which all the vet schools are! So if you don't take latin i'd take another language, other than English!! Then like everyone else has said take what you enjoy- GCSE choices aren't that important, its A -levels that matter more, but you need to get the high grades so take things you enjoy and are good at (and sciences maths english etc)!
Reply 15
hahaha, is that grumio and matella in your avatar?

yep, they live on forever and serve as an example of how my life has been enriched. you should see my duvet cover; it's got "quintus est in horto" embroidered on it. ah the joys of antiquity! i start my roman module tomorrow, yeeey!
Reply 16
in all seriousness, my duvet's plain, but i wouldn't mind a latin one.. it's just that i don't think they're sold anywhere.

anyway, right now, i'm in more of a 1991-95 hip hop mood. warren G init. (that's even less likely to help you be a good vet btw).
heya :smile:

i took gcse latin and am now in my a2 year. i read somewhere that it's the 3rd most respected subject after physics and chem, so if you enjoy the subject go for it!! i love it cos it gives me a break from science, and cos it's like history and language and english literature all combined!!

it's a cool subject
my friend wants me to type that in latin but i don't know!!

to be fair gcse's don't matter much anyway in the great scheme of things..... :eek:
Hey :biggrin:
If you're good at Latin, and likely to do well, GO FOR IT! It's really interesting, I loved it! And has added bonus of looking a bit different on your UCAS form. Not many people take it (in the grand scheme of things) and so it can stand you out from the crowd- especially if you get a good grade in it!
I'm glad I took it, as although it isn't a terribly relevant subject, it's great to find out the origins of terms etc, (for example just doing saltatory conduction recently my biology teacher said she didn't know why it was called saltatory- but in latin it means jumping! So I felt immensely clever for about a nanosecond... :p: !!!)
It would look impressive on your cv but when it come down to it it does not help. I have been doing latin for two and a half years and it is a very difficult subject as it requires permenant revision and can not be crammed in at the end. I did it to put on my cv in the case that i wanted to do medicine and I have suffered for a year and a half of GCSE latin (which is considerable more difficult than Year 9/8 latin).
Personally i think you are focusing on a single career too much.