The Student Room Group

What would you do?

Erm, right. I'm at College at the moment and I'm not enjoying it at all. I keep getting bullied. Its not physical, but just verbal and emotional really. So it hurts from the inside, and I'd rather it hurt from the outside because then at least it can heal. The whole thing didn't usually used to bother me but its gotten much worse recently - it used to be the usual pricks who said stuff but now everybody has jumped the bandwagon. Everyone calls me an EVEN UGLIER Kris Akabusi. FFS, even this guy in a wheel chair told me to move my ass and called me a "Don King and Oprah Winfrey daughter". :frown:... I wanted to respond that at least I'd be rich but I couldnt, and that had nothing to do with him being in a wheelchair or me feeling tight for it, I just couldn't because a teacher walked passed at that time and actually laughed. He looks like Jeremy Paxman so I dont know what he was laughing at :mad:.... Anyway, I don't want to leave college because it'd be like a waste of a year and I don't want to lose any of the friends I have, even though they would fit the stereotypical "geek". One of them is quite obese and isn't into sport... just sits on the PC all day. Another reads books all the time and the other friend is a gaming guru. So, as you can see, they're not sociable so I'm really bored outside College too.

What do I need to do? :frown: ... I'm so depressed at getting laughed at by everyone when some disabled fool makes fun of me.

Don't tell me to talk to my parents - they've recently got back together and are currently making our rabbits embarassed and suicidal.

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Yes anon works. What's the problem?
Reply 2
To be honest none of them insults there giving you make any sense :confused:
Whats wrong with Kris anyway only problem with him is he has a great laugh :p:
If i was you personally i would make a stand for myself and make them all realise there only doing it because there jealous of me for somereason and there avoiding there own problems, and just trying to make themselves feel better by making you feel worse.
Plus telling them to grow up etc etc making out nothing they say can bring me down and then report it to a teacher/tutor.
But thats just what i would do thoe, could you maybe move to a different college as a last resort???
Sounds like you got some great friends anyway so stick with them and let the bullying losers waste themselves away trying to upset you
Reply 3
Aww that sucks :hugs:
You could see a councellor if the bullying is really getting to you... go to your doctor for a referal.
Make sure you stick with your friends... they sound like really nice guys.
Good luck :smile:
Reply 4
I don't know what to say, I real feel for you mate. We've all been bullied at some point in our lives, and know how it feels, but for some reason people forget that and continue to bully others regardless. The only useful bit of advice I can give is I think that you're probably right about not telling your parents, but you should at least tell someone at college. The way that teacher laughed at you is totally unacceptable, you should speak to whoever is his boss and let them know what happened.
Reply 5
but do you ACTUALLY look like don king and oprah winfrey's daughter?! probably not. they're just being horrible, ignore them and focus on your good points :smile:
Reply 6
The only advise I could give you is just keep on ignoring them..let them say whatever they want but they shouldn't know that you are hurt by what they say..if they do, they will carry on bullying you.
Reply 7
Is it possible you could have a case for racism here too? Considering the people they are comparing you to I'm guessing you're black, perhaps at least some of them might be being racist, in which case your college must legally do something.
Reply 8
The insluts do make sense because they're actually true. I don't think they bully me because they're jealous of something - what can that be? I'm an average student at best, no money, no girl friends, no sex, no more than 5 friends, no nice clothes - no nothing. I just think that it might be something to do with a previous life or something. (I've been reading up on spirituality lately)
Damn, Homie. Its a hard-knock life, yo. Bullying is just a part of life - an unnecessary and ugly one, but still part of it nonetheless. Feel me? Its a tough situation, and, to be honest with you, there isn't much you can do about it. I guess Im kinda lucky with my friends because we ride together and will die together (no cliche).. So my advice would be to stick close with them, and try and stay out of the way of the punks... go to a quiet area or something, PC Room, whatnot... somewhere where you'll be kinda by yourselves OR go out around the town, chances are you'll not meet up.

But yea, stay up dude... stay strong.
Damn, Homie. Its a hard-knock life, yo. Bullying is just a part of life - an unnecessary and ugly one, but still part of it nonetheless. Feel me? Its a tough situation, and, to be honest with you, there isn't much you can do about it. I guess Im kinda lucky with my friends because we ride together and will die together (no cliche).. So my advice would be to stick close with them, and try and stay out of the way of the punks... go to a quiet area or something, PC Room, whatnot... somewhere where you'll be kinda by yourselves OR go out around the town, chances are you'll not meet up.

But yea, stay up dude... stay strong.

One-Prophecy, why do you use 'street/ghetto' language on most of your threads, but use very good, kind, considerate language in the thread for the guy/girl who had a 'pulling problem'? Is it all just an act?
One-Prophecy, why do you use 'street/ghetto' language on most of your threads, but use very good, kind, considerate language in the thread for the guy/girl who had a 'pulling problem'? Is it all just an act?

Its the way I've been brought up - I am well educated but I've also lived in the "street", as you call it. What was so ghetto about the language? "Homie" "Feel Me?". Whats particularly wrong with them? Nothing. Or is it "Ride and Die together?" Because thats the reality of the situation... I trust my ni99as 110% and they trust me 110%. Its the way I've been brought up, man... hate it or love it. By the way, what do you mean is it kind of an act? Its not a play... kemal.


2 things:
- Don't freepost this thread with irrelevant comments like that, when that dude is obviously needing some advice and help and probably wouldn't want to read this useless argument.
- I'm glad Ive made enough of an impression on you that you notice my language usage and techniques.
Reply 12
School sucks in that way. I have had it all myself. Unfortunately there is not much you can do about it. It might be a slight comfort that it gets better later on in life ( I'm almost 21 now at university and things are MUCH better ).

Problem with school is that you are forced to be "social" with a lot of peaople who can quite frankly be complete jerks.

Try not to feel bad about yourself. The problem lies not with you ( even tho you have to suffer from it ) but amongst the insecurity of those who pick on you and the fear of those who don't dare to not follow suit. During your age many peopel feel insecure about themselves and some try to make themselves feel powerful by making life difficult for others. It may sound weird but most likely they pick on you because they think you are doing better than they are , and in some super weird way they assume that if they can make youf eel worse it somehow makes their own life a lot better. Either that or they simply considder you a soft target. No matter which it is, its not you who are the problem.

I'd advice you to try not to care about it ( I know its close to impossible when you have a whole class/school making fun of you. I've been there myself.). Just don't make the same mistake that I did and handle it by becoming all arrogant. You are probably abetter person than the peopel who pick on you, just be aware it doesn't apply to people in general ( I went wrong here without even realising I was beeing arrogant ).

Oh, and whereas I probably should not encourage violence. At times I simply picked whichever guy annoyed me the most and hit as hard as I could in the face. I found that when people have been picking on you long enough noone realy blaim you for it. This sort of thing could get you in trouble however, and its probably better not to. I guess I just got fed up with it all at times...
Reply 13
Thanks Jonatan. I'll think about it
Reply 14
I really wouldn't reccomend you start on the bullies... they're probably much bigger than you and by the sounds of it there are a few of them.
Problem with school is that you are forced to be "social" with a lot of peaople who can quite frankly be complete jerks.

Try not to feel bad about yourself. The problem lies not with you ( even tho you have to suffer from it ) but amongst the insecurity of those who pick on you and the fear of those who don't dare to not follow suit. During your age many peopel feel insecure about themselves and some try to make themselves feel powerful by making life difficult for others. It may sound weird but most likely they pick on you because they think you are doing better than they are , and in some super weird way they assume that if they can make youf eel worse it somehow makes their own life a lot better. Either that or they simply considder you a soft target. No matter which it is, its not you who are the problem.

I'd advice you to try not to care about it ( I know its close to impossible when you have a whole class/school making fun of you. I've been there myself.). Just don't make the same mistake that I did and handle it by becoming all arrogant. You are probably abetter person than the peopel who pick on you, just be aware it doesn't apply to people in general ( I went wrong here without even realising I was beeing arrogant ).

Excellent advice. The people who pick on you may simply perceive you to be better than them academically, even if in reality you're not. They themselves are probably insecure at their own limitations and probably pick on you because they think that you have 'sussed' out what you want to do with your life, while they're just lacking direction/any hope of a future. I would discourage violence - it's never the answer. Anyhows, I know it's hard to do, but don't give a toss what those bullying w***ers say - concentrate on your studies and stay true to the friends that you do have. Chin up mate. :smile:
Reply 16
I think One-Prophecy is really Westwood. :biggrin:

@ thread starter.

1. People who mock are lesser humans. It underlines their ignorance every time thye mock you.

2. Ask one of your friends if they want to go out and do something simple. Cinema/Pool/Snooker even a few bevvies down the pub if they want. Get those lazy buggers out.

3. If the mocking persists, just put it behind you and just remind yourself: "im only here for the duration of my course(es), not 10 years!". If the present doesn't please you, wait for the brightness of the future. Good things come to those who wait.

4. If youre into sport, but your 5 friends arent at all. Go jogging. You'll be amazed how relaxed youll feel when you come home from a 20 minute jog at 9 in the afternoon.

You poor thing.
When I was at school I was the fleabag nobody spoke to!! I had bright orange hair, I was a very skinny 6ft tall geek and I used to get a hell of a lot of stick off of most people in my year. I used to have to wear my (5 ft) sisters old clothes and the other kids loved it. I was actually deemed "The lanky ginger witch" for most of my school life.

The teachers weren't much help either, and I really did want to drop out of school. When people say stuff like "you'll get the last laugh" ect, It means nothing, as you are being tortured NOW. I have to say, the one reason I now have "the last laugh" is because I never gave up. I studied hard for my exams and passed them to get on the university course I wanted. It comes much quicker than you realise. When I went back for the christmas break I was lucky enough to find most of the worst school bullies at a christmas party, none of them could believe how much i had changed (for the better) and they couldn't have been nicer!! Its a cliche but none of them had bothered furthering their education and are working in factories ect, many of them had children at a very early age and are seemingly unhappy. The "prettiest" girls in the school have let themselves go to say the least and they were only too interested in how I got to where I have. One guy who made my school life hell by constantly picking on my height actually asked me for my phone number! :puke:

Sweetheart, do not dispair. I think that now I am better equiped to deal with lifes morons and I absolutely wont take sh** from anybody. It has shaped who I am and I think I am a better person for it.
I get told the same things from my uni friends who have had similar experiences and history seems to repeat itself over and over. To be honest, although it sounds ridiculous, I think the whole thing has made me more determined to succeed with my education and my life.

I really have had the last laugh my friend, as will you. Just dont give up!!!!!!!

(feel free to PM me if you want to chat) :smile:
You poor thing.
When I was at school I was the fleabag nobody spoke to!! I had bright orange hair, I was a very skinny 6ft tall geek and I used to get a hell of a lot of stick off of most people in my year. I used to have to wear my (5 ft) sisters old clothes and the other kids loved it. I was actually deemed "The lanky ginger witch" for most of my school life.

The teachers weren't much help either, and I really did want to drop out of school. When people say stuff like "you'll get the last laugh" ect, It means nothing, as you are being tortured NOW. I have to say, the one reason I now have "the last laugh" is because I never gave up. I studied hard for my exams and passed them to get on the university course I wanted. It comes much quicker than you realise. When I went back for the christmas break I was lucky enough to find most of the worst school bullies at a christmas party, none of them could believe how much i had changed (for the better) and they couldn't have been nicer!! Its a cliche but none of them had bothered furthering their education and are working in factories ect, many of them had children at a very early age and are seemingly unhappy. The "prettiest" girls in the school have let themselves go to say the least and they were only too interested in how I got to where I have. One guy who made my school life hell by constantly picking on my height actually asked me for my phone number! :puke:

Sweetheart, do not dispair. I think that now I am better equiped to deal with lifes morons and I absolutely wont take sh** from anybody. It has shaped who I am and I think I am a better person for it.
I get told the same things from my uni friends who have had similar experiences and history seems to repeat itself over and over. To be honest, although it sounds ridiculous, I think the whole thing has made me more determined to succeed with my education and my life.

I really have had the last laugh my friend, as will you. Just dont give up!!!!!!!

(feel free to PM me if you want to chat) :smile:
^ Good advice there...