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Reply 1
I really do think that is too old by any measure. How can you have anything in common for a start? I mean, I'm sure people will have already told you this, but he was 13 or something when you were born. Unfortunately age is more than just a number.
Im 17 and my boyfriend is 30...he doesnt look it and his personality is golden. My freind's say I should question why he's not dating someone in his age group, but he thought I was older than what I am when we first started talking. Plus, he is more mature than some of these little boys and financially secure. Is age nothing but a number?

What the hell does financial security have to do with anything? I don't get why this would come into the equation - does this mean that you would only date rich people? Anyhows, age is more than just a number - I agree with your friends in the respect about why he isn't dating someone of his own age group of he's such a good guy.
Reply 3
Well we have a lot in common..besides football...we like the same music--but I like older stuff anyway and feel the same way on a lot of issues. The only thing that bugs me about him is that he didnt go to uni he just went straight into a job...which pays weel for a person with no uni degree...but going to LSE in the fall...I'm starting to feel like im older than him. But im just attracted to men over 25 anyway :frown:
I am not sure but as far as I know if you have sex with him, he can get in jail!? Am I right here? well, I think that age doesnt play any role when you love someone and if you feel comfortable with it, then it is ok. Unless he just wants to get sex from a little girl...I mean for 30 17 is little.
Reply 5
Um, I'll probably get heckled for saying this but I completely agree with you. I'm at university and have met very few (read none, really!) men I would get involved with of my own age (18), have gone out with slightly older guys in the past (early/ mid 20s when I was 16+) and definately don't see anyhting wrong with fancying/ being in a relationship with someone who is in their 30s (which your boyfriend only just qualifies for anyway!) just met a great man who has eight years on me, which doesn't feel that way at all. so good luck is what I say! As long as you adhere to the basic rules; both know what you expect out of it, don't ruh into anything, make sure he's not just after one thing etc.


Oh, but the only possible prob in the future is if it all goes well, he may want to settle down with you whilst you would rather, well, not!
Reply 6
I think it's generally alright- as long as you're ABSOLUTELY sure he's right for you. Lots of times it's just bachelors who think they will always be single for the rest of their entire lives and so decide to hook up with someone half their age- however their are also many who aren't like that- you have check that he's the latter. :smile:
Reply 7
to the original poster:
I think that as you become older people will find your relationship more acceptable.
My parents know two couples who are fourteen years apart, and another couple who are ten years apart, and there are no problems there.
I've never dated anyone my own age either. When I was 18 I very briefly dated a 20-year-old. He was too young for me and it ended very quickly. I am now dating a 24-year-old. He will be 25 in August and I'll be 20 in April. If we'd been aged 15 and 20 and dating, people might have had problems with it, but now it's perfectly acceptable.
Just hang in there. If you both really love each other then what you have will outlive everyone's expectations.
i would have been against this sort of age gap till i met my friend at uni, who is 18 and actually lives with her 30yr old boyfriend, who she got together with then she was 16, they're really serious and probably will get married after she finishes uni. i just see how happy he makes her and i know age shouldnt really matter (it probably helps that he's slighly immature and she's very mature! lol)
I'm 21 and my boyfriend is 33, so I completely understand where you're coming from. I've had a few comments about our age gap but always in jest; I think people find it easier to accept as you get older. I've never dated guys my own age as I just very rarely find any chemistry with them and, as someone who looks and acts older, I've been told they find me 'intimidating' :rolleyes: . My boyfriend and I met through work, so we started off on an equal footing, and we have huge amounts in common in the things that matter. I'm still at uni and he's very supportive of me finishing my degree - in fact, I don't know how I'd have got through this term without him. I adore him :redface: As long as your guy treats you well, sees you as an equal and genuinely makes you happy, I honestly don't think age should be an issue.
Reply 10
I'm 21 and my boyfriend is 33, so I completely understand where you're coming from. I've had a few comments about our age gap but always in jest; I think people find it easier to accept as you get older. I've never dated guys my own age as I just very rarely find any chemistry with them and, as someone who looks and acts older, I've been told they find me 'intimidating' :rolleyes: . My boyfriend and I met through work, so we started off on an equal footing, and we have huge amounts in common in the things that matter. I'm still at uni and he's very supportive of me finishing my degree - in fact, I don't know how I'd have got through this term without him. I adore him :redface: As long as your guy treats you well, sees you as an equal and genuinely makes you happy, I honestly don't think age should be an issue.
Reply 11
Intolerance towards age gaps sucks. Date who you like, it's your choice.
That's wrong in so many ways
Age is irrelevant in my opinion, although there are certain limits on the gap.
Reply 14
too old. think how old he would be when you are his age.!!!!!!!!!!
i think 17 and 30 is too much of a gap. It's not just the amount of years, but life experience. What I mean is that I would regard 17-30 a bigger gap than 27-40, say. You are still a young girl and have so much to experience, wouldn't you want to be with someone who finds things as new and exciting as you do?
Reply 16
i think 17 and 30 is too much of a gap. It's not just the amount of years, but life experience. What I mean is that I would regard 17-30 a bigger gap than 27-40, say. You are still a young girl and have so much to experience, wouldn't you want to be with someone who finds things as new and exciting as you do?

I do know what you mean here, but I also think this variety can be part of the appeal. I posted above that I'm 21 and my boyfriend's 33; he's told me that I've changed his whole outlook on life and opinions on things, that I've opened his eyes to so many things because my perspective is so different. At the same time, I find him fascinating for the fact that his life experiences are so different to mine and his calmness and perspective keeps me sane when my own life gets on top of me. You can gain a new vision on life because of these differences; I find guys my own age boring in comparison.
Reply 17
My mum was 17 when she started living with my dad who was 32. Many years later it didn't turn out well though...he's an absolute control freak and my mum was too naive to realise it at the time, she just had to go along with everything he said because he was in a better position financially. I'm not sure about such a big age gap...just don't rush into anything and definitely make sure he's as good a bet as someone your own age before you commit.
The rule is half your (in this case his) age and add 7 years.

If he's thirty the youngest he should be going out with or should be going out with him is: 22.

The rule is sacred
I don't see any problem with your age gap. He sounds too good to be true to me!