The Student Room Group

Can anyone help?

Hi, Ive got a doctors appointment tomorrow with my dad for some vaccinations. However, theres alot of stuff on my doctors records id rather he didnt know about. But, when i went last year with my family for vaccinations, the nurse put our medical records up on the screen and everyone else in my family could see them- rather embaressing. Is there anyway of making sure that the nurses dont do this again? Can i ring them up and ask?
Thanks! xxx
Reply 1
Yes. How awful of them to do that - can't you go into the appointment on your own? That's what I used to do
Reply 2
not really, dont want to offend/ upset my dad or appear that ive got something to hide. So if i just ring em up they should be ok with it? Thanks!
Reply 3
Are you under 18?
Reply 4
Yes, how old are you?
Reply 5
ooops sorry forgot to include that. Im 18- am i right in thinking this means that i have a right to keep it confidential? Although they may see my family as being private and therefore they can see me records if that makes sense. Im confused!
Reply 6
yes of course you have the right to keep it confidential no matter what age you are (as I understand it). Its called Doctor Patient Confidentiality. I wouldnt worry about your dad, I am sure he would understand that you're an adult and no longer have to share your illnesses with him. I stopped going with my mum when I was 14, I could ask all sorts of embarrassing questions!
Reply 7
You definitely have the right to have everything on your medical records kept private.

Maybe call ahead and clarify that, or just ask your dad to stay in the waiting room.
Reply 8
this is a kind of related mum is a nurse- is there any way she could access or look at my medical records without me knowing?
Reply 9
this is a kind of related mum is a nurse- is there any way she could access or look at my medical records without me knowing?

unless she works at the surgery where your doctor is its unlikely she'd even be able to get hold of your medical records without some specific reason............if she looked at the for no reaosn that would be against the rules and she could get fired
Reply 10
Yes, doctors and nurses have to be made to take the hypocratic oath- they may not discuss what they see at work.
Reply 11
ooops sorry forgot to include that. Im 18- am i right in thinking this means that i have a right to keep it confidential? Although they may see my family as being private and therefore they can see me records if that makes sense. Im confused!

You have the right to have the information kept confidential whatever your age! That means no-one can see your notes except you and the professionals involved.
Reply 12
Yes, doctors and nurses have to be made to take the hypocratic oath- they may not discuss what they see at work.

Although it's not technically the Hippocratic Oath any more - things have changed a bit since then!

Technically if your mum worked at the practice, she could access your records. But not from another practice or something.
Reply 13
You have the right to privacy and to be honest, surely that's against the rules f theres someone else there? I thought that anyone's records are personal and can only be shown to others with permission. that's terrible -0 i personally would have complained. you HAVE to ring up and explain... they'll understand.
Reply 14
Yes, doctors and nurses have to be made to take the hypocratic oath- they may not discuss what they see at work.

All I know regarding the hypocratic oath, is that it appears to be somewhat less rigorous and demanding than the hypercratic oath.