The Student Room Group
Reply 1
I know it sucks but try to remember you still have 3 choices left. And birmingham seem to be extremely picky regarding what they want! I mean 6A*'s? :rolleyes:

It only takes one offer to get into med school :smile:
Reply 2
I know it sucks but try to remember you still have 3 choices left. And birmingham seem to be extremely picky regarding what they want! I mean 6A*'s? :rolleyes:

It only takes one offer to get into med school :smile:

I've got 7 A*s which makes me extra upset as there must be another reason other than grades as to why they rejected me!

Fingers crossed for the other three though!
Reply 3
aw Im sorry!:hugs:
youve still got the other three.... keep your fingers crossed! :smile:
oversubscription...dont worry you can come to bristol :smile: and be innundated with stupid exams to revise for :frown: got my 2nd exam friday and thee is soooooooooooooo much to learn