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Reply 1
eugh like a pornstar???
how the hell is that attractive
I like to go totally bare. A landing strip is a slang term for a brazilian wax. If thats what you decide her are some tips. As Captain Chaos said use lots of moisturiser. Always shave towards the grain never against cos tht will make the rash worse. You will have a rash first time but it will go as you get used to it. It is usualy quite itcy first time too, but that'll go, you need to shave regularly cos pubic hair grows really quickly.
A landing strip is having your bits completely bald except for a teeny strip of fluff, so called to guide a bloke to the entrance if that makes sense!

If you've got super sensitive skin you could try the hair removal creams for specifically down there, although I've never had much success with them. Other than that waxing is probably the best, or shaving if you can take the itch when it grows back :rolleyes:

I don't know how guys find a bald one cute but each to their own I guess!
Reply 4
i dont rely wana shave tho cause dont u end up having 2 shave it nearly everyday?
Reply 5
yeah, if you are going to shave, you will have to get used to shaving every other day, otherwise it is all stubble, and it's rough and makes you itch.
personally i prefer not having anything down there because i feel cleaner and more fresh. i don't do it for any sexual reasons.
Reply 6
i don't know how much to remove?? and where from? heard ppl talking about a landing strip but what the hell is that??
also whats the best way 2 remove it cause my skin is soooo sensitive its ridiculous!! thats why i cant rely go have it waxed off at a salon
guys - u got any preferences?

Take it all off. Its nicer.
Reply 7
if im havin sex for the first time with my bf will he think its weird theres nothing there??
Reply 8
if im havin sex for the first time with my bf will he think its weird theres nothing there??

It will make his job easier and he will probably be happy.
Reply 9
if im havin sex for the first time with my bf will he think its weird theres nothing there??

never seemed to bother my other half.. though i think he prefers there being nothing there.. though he refuses to shave for me.. lol.. he did it once, and i think he felt very out in the open, so won't do it again.

he gets mad at me for revealing private things.. if he ever sees this forum, i am a dead person. :frown:

listen - if you are comfortable with shaving, then go for it.. don't worry about what your boyfriend thinks.. i'm sure he won't mind either way. if you don't want to shave and you want to be natural, then thats fine too.. it really doesn't matter.
plus boys are more hairy, so if they complain about yours, then you complain even more about theirs! lol.
Reply 10
As a boy, I think shaved look's better...
Reply 11
plus when lads shave, they look 'bigger' if you get my drift.. some of you lads might want to think about that :P hehe.
noo men shouldnt be shaved ergh
Reply 13
so u reckon i shud jus shave it ALL off?
i think that its slightly paedophilic if a guy likes it ALL shaved off, its like a prepubescent girl.

personally i go with keeping it neat and trim, like a landing strip but a bit wider (sorry to be graphic!)
Don't wax it yourself.Go to a salon.Explain to them about your sensitive skin and they will take that on board.

You're not really supposed to shave it either as it causes ingrowing hairs etc.
Just put it in curlers and be done with it. Or a hair net.
if im havin sex for the first time with my bf will he think its weird theres nothing there??

No, I think most girls get rid of much or all of their pubes, so most guys would find it weird if you were hairy, not smooth. Personally I think totally smooth feels really nice - when you're on your period you stay a lot cleaner, which is nice, plus it's amazing for sex!
Shaven Haven...
Reply 19
so i should just go completely hair free??