The Student Room Group

Poppers? are they bad?

:s-smilie: im a bit concerned... a very close friend of mine (who i thought wasnt into those kinda things..) has taken poppers...

I dont really know much about it myself, but another friend (who to be honest is a bit of a druggy.. :s-smilie:) has said that they dont really do anything.. and that you can buy them legally in england... :s-smilie: which im not so sure about...

any advice? what is it/sre they exactly? and is it bad for you?? :s-smilie::s-smilie:

they've just got me a bit worried.. :s-smilie:

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You can buy them legally in England.. I think they are sold as air freshners of something!

Never used them myself. People inhale them.. makes them feel light headed or strange I think. I also heard that gay men use them to err.. relax or something!

Sorry I haven't been much help. I was convinced I new more than I did when I started the message.
Reply 3
They arnt illiegal, the high lasts for about 5 minutes per sniff apparently. They arnt addictive in anyway and they kill brain cells.
Reply 4
They arnt addictive in anyway and they kill brain cells.

I find the first part of that sentance hard to believe and am a little scared by the second part. Why would anyone willingly destroy their brain piece by piece?
Reply 5
I find the first part of that sentance hard to believe and am a little scared by the second part. Why would anyone willingly destroy their brain piece by piece?

Why dont u read the talk to frank article? Everything kills your braincells anyway you dummy, even doing a header in football.
Reply 6
I've seen people taking them and they go very very very red afterwards, something to do with the vasodilation all over. Drugs are never really recommended.
I don't think they are legal (not 100% sure - ask frank), they sell them as "room freshners" etc etc so try and hide what the actually are - just as, until recently, you could buy magic mushrooms for "aesthetic" reasons or "pot pourri" or whatever.
Reply 7

thank you very much guys! you've put my mind at rest a little :smile:
Reply 8
I prefer party poppers. At least you can make a nice colourful wig with them.
Reply 9
Theyre sold in sex shops, and easy to get hold of. The "high" doesnt last for long and theyre a bit pathetic as far as drugs go - i wouldnt worry about your friend, probably just wants to try something new. Though maybe you tell him/her that you dont agree with the use of drugs, im sure there is a long term danger involved with poppers, just like any drug!

Reply 10
they're also pretty damn hallucinogenic at times. it's not the best thing to get into to be honest.

no.. i didnt expect it would be.. i'll try and put him off it in the future :smile:
Reply 11
They are 100% legal, however you need to be 18 to purchase them...
They are sold in sex shop's and night club's...
They give you a slight headrush...
spoon1: hahaha. wow, that was really not worth a post by me...
oh I tried those when I was going through my wild child phase a couple of years ago - you get them in ann summers - they are legal. They just make you go dizzy and you giggle a lot. They don't harm you but they're pretty pointless, not much of a high and they wear off in minutes - I wouldn't worry too much. Your mate will get bored of them soon enough and then he'll discover alcohol :cheers:
Like all solvent abuse they can cause brain damage. And circulatory collapse. And they smell funny.


They have a medical usage as an antidote to cyanide poisoning (fact fans!) and treating angina.
Eugh poppers are disgusting, not worth the money i say!
Yeah, its not really a 'high,' and sometimes just gives you a cracking headache.
As an aside, amyl nitrates are actually sometimes prescribed to help people with angina.
Reply 16
oh I tried those when I was going through my wild child phase a couple of years ago - you get them in ann summers - they are legal. They just make you go dizzy and you giggle a lot. They don't harm you but they're pretty pointless, not much of a high and they wear off in minutes - I wouldn't worry too much. Your mate will get bored of them soon enough and then he'll discover alcohol :cheers:

lol oh hes def discovered alcohol.. a long time ago... lol he is 19... i kno im prob stressin over nuthing really :redface:
they are not 100% legal, Frank says that under the medicines act people have been prosecuted for supplying them. SUPPLYNG=illegal to extent USING=100% legal
Reply 18
They really aren't a big deal, its a tiny high that gets you flushed in the face, makes you chuckle, then wears off in minutes. They're expensive for what they do, but I see no harm in experimenting with it, he'll probably find that its not worth the cash and stop soon enough.

Only really worthwhile if you're gay (for obvious reasons), or after a tiny, quick, keepitinabottlewithyourthumboverit high.
Reply 19
The few times i've sniffed them its sent me a bit odd, your heart rate increases loads for about 2 minutes which freaked me out so i dont do it anymore.