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Reply 1
You wont get parking on campus for the 1st year - after that you can bring it but parking is still pretty difficult
Reply 2
most halls have limited you could take it if you can get a permit..but you wouldnt be able to drive to uni and park there..
Reply 3
You'll need a pretty good reason to get a permit.

I don't know why people are so bothered about bringing their cars. It's a campus university and you really really don't need them. The one guy i know here who has a car uses it about once a month to go to sainsbury's and get snacks for his room. That's about it. xx
ditto mousey, though i know 3 people on my floor who have brought their cars, so getting permits is possible... but still no point!
Reply 5
ah i was thinking of places like raleigh park that are off campus...they have a lot of fact i still have a card to open the gate there :-s
Reply 6
Yeah, at Raleigh Park it's easy to get a permit if you pay £75, but you can only park at main campus if you use the visitors parking and thus pay again.
Reply 7
In my experience it costs the same in petrol as it does to get the train!
Reply 8
Hey, I've got my car here with me.... I use it often as I'm a canoeist and the national water sports centre is about 8 miles from here.

Obviously you can bring your car here, I'm at broadgate (just off campus... self catered) and there is no problem with parking.... plenty of spaces. You do need to get a permit though.

I find it's about 2/3 price in petrol to go home compared to the train, and far more convinient.

If you're just gonna use it for going home then it's probably not worth the hastle of bringing it and finding parking... sometimes they ask you for a good reason for bringing it. And you'd be paying to run it (insurance, tax, mot) for no reason..... u really don't need it here, got everything u need.

Reply 9
Have you tried the kayak club at trent bridge?
Reply 10
naa its not that.. it sjust i know i will be veyr homesick the first term and unhappy... so if i had the car there i could easily go home on the weekend that pay 25 - 40 to go home on train.

:rolleyes: if you take that attitude you will be! and bringing a car will just make it easier for you to run away, not settle down and enjoy yourself :smile: it's best not to go home for a while when you first move in...
In my experience it costs the same in petrol as it does to get the train!

yes, but travelling home on trains is hell especially when you have loads of luggage with you. I remember when I use to go home for weekends in my 1st year. I once had loads of luggage with me and my bag split right in the middle of Waterloo station during rush hour. :eek: Now I live off campus and have borught my car it's so much easier to travel home amd visit friends etc. I just stuff all my belongings into the boot, jump in, put my foot down and I'm off. Having a car at uni is great.
Reply 12
Firstly, I've never seen the attraction of going home at weekends (at all).
Secondly - why the need for huge amounts of luggage? Fair enough if you decide to go home for a couple of days, but it's not like you'll need more than a backpack full to take with you... I would have thought the train would be perfect.
Reply 13
You'll have brilliant people all around you... who knows.. you might not be homesick at all. I havnt been once.
Or take a coach - you can get from Notts to London for £1! *loves National Express funfare tickets*

So does Broadgate still allow cars even tho they've covered most of the old carparks with flats? When I was there 3 years ago there was loads of space, and you could get a permit for free. Broadgate Park is really scary looking now though - all those massive buildings standing right onto the road...
Reply 15
Someone i know got a permit because he had to go home for physio. xx
do u think disabled students would be allowed a permit x
For halls, deffo but for anywhere near uni would prob depend on the disability. There was a guy in halls last year in a wheelchair that got picked up by a van and taken to lectures!
im in a wheelchair! but would like to take my car
Do you mean to get to lectures? What course? It depends if there is anywhere to park near your buildings probs - parking is pretty limited on campus apart form in hall carparks. THey would def let you have a parking permit limited to your hall but other than that i suggest you phone up