to be honest they are all pretty naff. but if you choose to get one, avoid getting those silly ones by imbecilic celebs like jordan and random people from eastenders.
I've got charlie brooks one (used to be in eastenders) it's really good. I wasn't expecting good things, after all it's a fitness vid from a 'celeb' but its really good. well worth it
I bought the Pump it up ministry of sound one last year... did it about 4 times i swear it almost killed me!! and it didnt help much to be honest. Great for a laugh after a drink though
I'm thinking of getting a fitness video, can anyone reccomend one? I'm not too keen on the celebrity ones because i'd get irritated with them (maybe)
Any help would be appreciated, thanks
These fitness videos seem a new craze! clever and sensible marketing though after christmas!
all celeb are doing them kirsty gallagher and probably the 3rd most annoying women in the world Davina McCall all have there own one to mention just a few!