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8am every morning without fail :smile:
Hey I'm just starting to go on the pill but I can't decide what time of day to take it? What time do you take yours? I have the combined pill so it has to be in within 12 hours.

I take mine first thing in the morning, its on a shelf right next to my hair brush, so I don't forget! ^-^*
Do you mean that you have to take a pill every twelve hours? :s-smilie: or that you're only protected for twelve hours after taking it?
Perhaps I'm a little ignorant, but I know with the pill that I'm on, its just once a day and you're safe! :smile:
btw - why anonomous? nothing to be ashamed of!
Reply 3
Anonymous as some guy from my school knows my username and we sort of have a little joke with each other and I'd rather keep this from him. No I have 12 hours to take it in but I need one every day if that makes sense.
Reply 4
I take mine first thing in the morning, its on a shelf right next to my hair brush, so I don't forget! ^-^*
Do you mean that you have to take a pill every twelve hours? :s-smilie: or that you're only protected for twelve hours after taking it?
Perhaps I'm a little ignorant, but I know with the pill that I'm on, its just once a day and you're safe! :smile:
btw - why anonomous? nothing to be ashamed of!

There's this guy at school who knows my username and often checks my posts and if he saw this he would tease me. I'm thinking maybe on an evening maybe as I'm dead in a morning but I was just wondering what everyone found easiest.
Reply 5
Maybe you should tease him about how he hasn't got laid, and if he does, he could become a dad
Reply 6
Nah I have a better thing to tease him about at the minute his hair, he had it cut and looks about 5 :smile: I just don't want to give him amunition for me
Reply 7
i take it with my evening meal.
Reply 8
Midday, cos I started taking it in the summer and that was when I tended to wake up. :redface:
Reply 9
I take it as soon as I get up. I've managed to settle it into my "routine" of getting up and getting ready so it's not easy to forget!
Reply 10
i wouldn't do it on a morning because i tend to get up at different times every morning.. so it wouldn't work.
Reply 11
Take it during the day - then if you forget it you're morely likely to remember within 12 hours. If you are supposed to take it before bed and forget then you're a bitbuggered.
I take it before bed and I usually don't have 12 hours sleep! So I wake up in the morning and usually remember then if I hadn't taken it. But I am realy anaemic and so have to take iron and vitamin tablets before bed anyway, so I hardly ever forget.
Reply 13
I used to take it at 7pm every night - when hollyoaks finished :biggrin:
Reply 14
I take mine around 11am - it's the only way to ensure I'm up! I frequently miss it though which is annoying...although it's only ever taken late by a few hours.
Round 8pm :smile:
I've always taken mine at midday - during holidays/weekends I'm usually awake by then, and during uni/work it's quite easy to remember to pop one in with lunch. Plus, even if you don't remember til you go to bed, it's not too late.
Reply 17
I always used to first thing in the morning but then during the holidays that gets a bit dodgy so at the moment i'm taking it last thing at night
Reply 18
At 7pm, cos that's around dinner time so i remember. I was gonna take it in the morning, but the time i get up is very different on school days and at weekends/holidays lol.
I take it when I get up. Even though I don't always get up at the same time, it can be taken 12 hours after and still be effective. Saying that though, I've never left it that late!!! But like blissy said, if you take it at night but forget, you have to make sure you get up early the next morning, so morning/day is a more practical time.