The Student Room Group

Northumberland House/Lillian Knowles House

Okay, I'm trying to apply now for my accomodation, so does anyone know anything about these two new halls?

The LSE accomodation page doesn't have anything on them yet. In my "offer pack" I have got a booklet with some very brief points on them both, but it really doesn't tell me much.

I would prefer self-catering accomodation to catered, which these are. They are also new and not too expensive (well, by LSE standards :rolleyes: ), so I am very interested.

So, can anyone tell me anything please? :smile:
Reply 1
I seem to remember that the info for the UCL halls is somewhere outside the LSE site, but that it was pretty useful.

Ah hah! Try this:
Reply 2
Through a search on Google, I've found pictures and a short informational page on Northumberland House, however nothing substantial on Lilian Knowles House. A Google search reveals something as the first hit, but there's no real information.

It's a huge pain that I've been accepted (conditionally), and I'm thinking that it's my first choice, and so now I'm getting all excited about what I can (not much, given LSE's spartan website!), but can't find any information on something that's supposed to be habitable in eight months.
Reply 3
Through a search on Google, I've found pictures and a short informational page on Northumberland House, however nothing substantial on Lilian Knowles House. A Google search reveals something as the first hit, but there's no real information.

It's a huge pain that I've been accepted (conditionally), and I'm thinking that it's my first choice, and so now I'm getting all excited about what I can (not much, given LSE's spartan website!), but can't find any information on something that's supposed to be habitable in eight months.

There are loads of old posts on housing options, so if you're really bored, you can look back through those! Or, I suspect we'll start having those long conversations again. :-)
Reply 4
i think northumberland looks seriously good. Itll probably be expensive, but what alocation and its going to be fully refurbished. If you can afford it, go for it. AFAIK Lilian Knowles is in a slighty less desirable area (near Liverpool St.) but will also be brand new so can't be too bad. Thats my read on things anyway.
Reply 5
Are these two completely new halls? I've never heard of them.

UCL sent all accepted candidates a nice booklet on accomodation BTW.

[Edit: Nevermind, i should have read more carefully. :biggrin:]

I can't wait to hear more about these two new halls. =)
Reply 6
well, i got my second choice.. but that was bankside......
Reply 7
Well, if I do go to LSE, it'll only be in '07. I'm looking forward to more pictures when people finally move in this Sept. =)

shanika: What was your first choice?
Reply 8
oh **** you are choosing accomodation already am i meant to do this now? ugh its a bit early isn't it?